Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Charleston has continued to supervise its health in the US .
2 It would be easier , he thinks , at dawn , to fix his gaze steadily on one particular light and then to establish its place in the returning landscape .
3 For one team 's desperate desire to establish its worth in the scrums , Toks has had to play the price of a life confined to a wheelchair , a need for 24-hour-a-day attendants , and an almost total loss of his business and social aspirations .
4 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
5 Expressed in this way , ‘ A Plan for Britain' was symptomatic of a mood of collectivist enthusiasm which seemed to find its opportunity in the shared perils and challenges of the early years of the war .
6 While ‘ planning ’ in these various guises seemed to find its moment in the Second World War , it also drew upon a long evolution of social and political thought which stretched back to before the Great War .
7 The planning movement of the 1930s was to find its apotheosis in the conduct of the war and the plans for post-war reconstruction in almost every field from social security to new town development .
8 Research can help a company to position its product in the market .
9 There was a shortfall in orders to carry the company into the 1990s — the famous ‘ black hole ’ — and it was vastly overmanned for the amount of work that was likely to come its way in the immediate future .
10 The railway companies built stations to accommodate passengers who never materialized , to flatter a vanity which was shortly to meet its fall in the face of both economic recession and the rise of alternative modes of transportation .
11 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
12 He had provided the foundations for the strategic and tactical mobility that enabled the small regular Army to meet its commitments in the mid-1960s — but only just .
13 Owners , whose holiday brands include Sovereign , Enterprise and Falcon , had sought an alliance with German-owned Thomas Cook to cement its position in the competitive UK market , but fast-growing and highly-profitable Airtours came in with a rival bid to spark off weeks of rhetoric and activity which finally ended yesterday .
14 Mr Knox has consistently denied previous reports that Scottish Amicable was seeking to increase its stake in the Bank of Edinburgh .
15 The acquisition is part of Pearson 's strategy to increase its involvement in the visual media , as a complement to its profitable but mature print based companies .
16 French President François Mitterrand 's visit to Israel and Jordan in late November demonstrated the French government 's desire to increase its involvement in the peace process .
17 It plans to continue to increase its investment in the development of application software and associated software tools .
18 The company also expects to increase its sales in the aviation fuel nozzle servicing business .
19 It is not an attitude that would carry much weight in other educational circles , but it is easy to see its roots in the traditions of apprenticeship to a trade .
20 He raised his arm to see its motion in the flesh of his thumb , and clamped his other hand around the base of the digit in the hope of stopping its further advance , gasping as though doused with ice-water. the pain was out of all proportion to the mite 's size , but he held both thumb and sobs hard , determined not to lose all dignity in front of his executioners .
21 ‘ Mr Keating believes the move to a republic under a new flag is vital for Australia to carve its identity in the Asia-Pacific region , ’ the newspaper said .
22 Although the board paid an interim dividend of 0.65 pence , it has decided at this stage to invest its funds in the business — the amount available , says chairman Rupert Bayfield , would have been negligible anyway .
23 The 102nd Russian submarine fleet at Petropavlovsk has been alert ever since the international courts overruled the Soviet appeals and gave GenTech the right to conduct its surveys in the area .
24 SunSelect has already signed ComputerLand and Access Graphics to peddle its wares in the US .
25 A quick blast in the G40 is enough to confirm its place in the junior hot-hatch line up .
26 When we left Baghdad , there was no further news of what had happened to those on board , except that the ship had been forced to unload its cargo in the port of Kabbous , Oman .
27 Defections caused Congress ( I ) to lose its majority in the state assembly in May 1990 , and a new United Legislature Front ( ULF ) government , headed by K. L. Chisi , leader of the Nagaland People 's Council , took office .
28 A phenomenon which can occur on a high speed reach when air bubbles work their way down the skeg and cause it to lose its grip in the water .
29 Thanks to , among others , John Robinson and the radical theologians , however , the way has been paved for humanist concerns to become more widely accepted and for the established Church to lose its importance in the areas of both public and private morality .
30 It sculptures caves in its banks as it falls into a deep ravine , and becomes sedate only in its later stages as it leaves its dale to lose its identity in the River Lune .
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