Example sentences of "[to-vb] out [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could n't find the kids but just as had to pull out the fire brigade arrived . ’
2 People like to pull out the job supplement in the middle and , you know , they 've got to be able to do that easily 'cos they throw the rest away , you know , and read the job supplement and they well .
3 " And I suppose you 're going to slip out the kitchen door , " she continued , " which you might be able to do if you time it right and both Mrs James and Mr Gerard are distracted but how are you going to bet back in ? "
4 Yesterday , the Princess also turned down an invitation to try out a hospital treadmill saying she was much too fit already .
5 THE Princess of Wales yesterday turned down an invitation to try out a hospital treadmill saying she was much too fit already .
6 We have to try out the master scoreboard , a slick computerised monster and a change from the usual ‘ Spaghetti Junction ’ , so need the audience to check the theatre 's voting system .
7 It did n't take long for some bright spark to try out the Doom Diver Catapult in a battle .
8 Women in Cheltenham have been among the first to try out the NORPLANT contraceptive .
9 Salford was the first district to try out The X Factor .
10 Patrick 's identification of the body enabled him to write out a death certificate , which he handed to PC Bartholomew with a note of the other details .
11 When he discovered I could play the piano , whenever we were off together he dragged me down to one of the older lecture rooms in the Medical School basement that happened to possess a piano , to thump out the background beat .
12 Leaders on Capitol Hill virtually put all other business on hold as it sought to hammer out a debt ceiling increase .
13 She still had to shake out the sofa cushions .
14 What is more , we are told unequivocally that only those who are fortunate enough to live for another 30 years will be able to find out the purchase price of those companies .
15 The new Prime Minister was obliged , yesterday morning , to send a driver to find out the telephone number of one of his key ministers , before Mr Singh could pass on the good news of his appointment .
16 One really dismal day when the sky was totally covered by a dense grey blanket of cloud , the OC sent up one of the Mosquito pilots to find out the cloud depth .
17 Last week they got so fed up with commuters crowding round their screens to find out the train times — because the computer board was n't working — they just switched them all off .
18 He had quite a long way to walk to the bridge , but there was plenty of time ; he had taken the trouble to find out the train times and he had worked out at what time the train would arrive at the bridge — about 9pm — so he enjoyed his walk .
19 The easiest way of assessing the abundance of potential prey species is to work out a density value ( number of individuals per square metre of rock surface ) for each one .
20 According to press reports , the experts are trying to work out a compromise solution under which the Danube 's water would be divided between the old river bed and the new canal .
21 He told me later that he had only been a guard for fifteen months , also that the normal takings on this section of the line were approximately £10 , so he was only too pleased to work out a 26% discount for a group booking that realised BR £77.35 from our party .
22 Anyway , the upshot was that he demanded there be a committee meeting this Thursday to work out a club strategy . ’
23 The Government still has to work out a points system whereby a cross-section of Hong Kong residents , whose skills are needed , will be given full British citizenship rights between 1992 and 1997 .
24 Analysing how the firm works and breaking that down into work which demands your professional training and expertise and work which does not is more important , since it allows the firm to work out the computer applications it needs .
25 Look at the question in Figure 2A ; you are asked to work out the transfer price , but first you must work out what volume the group should operate at .
26 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
27 ‘ But only because when we turned up at the solicitor 's to work out the marriage settlement — her idea , not mine — she realised for the first time that I was n't as rich as she thought .
28 If one works in logarithms , the relationship between y and x becomes linear : Hence , it is quite simple for accountants to work out the learning rate for their industry/firm by converting observations of y and x to logarithms and regressing log x against log y .
29 ‘ I du n no why yer put up wi' it , ’ he sternly admonished the Captain , who was trying to work out the batting order on the back of his chequebook .
30 A much more suitable way to work out the image size is given by z = f tan 0 , where 0 is the angle which is ‘ subtended ’ by the object .
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