Example sentences of "[to-vb] we [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To compensate us for the expense of processing your booking and for the risk that we may not be able to resell the holiday we charge a cancellation fee on the scale shown below .
2 But you 're right about Willesden and how you ladies managed to find us in the blackout beats me . ’
3 He is also firmly committed to proactive management : ‘ This is n't the kind of business environment in which we can set targets and expect something to happen , and we 're not waiting for an economic turnaround to provide us with the kind of results we want to turn in .
4 He wants to provide us with the insight from his word and the power from his Holy Spirit that our lives should be transformed .
5 Consequently , in order to provide more accurate information , we have re-designed the ‘ Sponsorship Opportunities ’ form which you use to provide us with the information for the back page .
6 In accordance with Section 29 of the Companies Act 1982 we require you to provide us with the names and addresses of the partners in your business .
7 Good morning David , I 'm enclosing three pages of a fax which I have just received from Teagasc capital T E A G A S C which is self explanatory stop , I hope you can make it all out , comma , if not please come back to me , full stop , paragraph , it would be a help if you could get your shipping agents to provide us with the rates they would have charged paragraph , many thanks and best regards , Sam .
8 Does not my hon. Friend consider it surprising that the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) , who always wants to lecture us about the rule of law although we certainly need no lectures about it from him , comes to the House with , I think , two cases where crookedness was involved ?
9 Part of the process of gaining control over our lives involves us in resisting their attempts to box us in the pigeonhole of ‘ client ’ — and to expose their self-styled , self-seeking efforts to elevate their second-hand knowledge about disability into a ‘ profession ’ .
10 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
11 ‘ In your labours in the Vestment Guild you are creating things of beauty to lead us to the wonder of God .
12 To remove charitable status , at a cost of some five million pounds a year to Save The Children Fund , to relegate us to the status of a quango , is absolute rife nonsense .
13 Er they used to march us round the playground you see and er I was in the back row and of course the teacher was at the front more or less .
14 Romans 8:29 tells us that God 's goal in our relationship with him is to conform us to the image of his Son .
15 to prize us from the magma limb
16 ‘ They will try to shoot us in the light from the door . ’
17 It 's a convenient unit , perhaps a useful way of thinking about it is in terms of the time that light takes about eight minutes to reach us from the sun .
18 It is when we make an attempt to clarify it that the confidence begins to desert us in the face of difficulties .
19 Typical of Geoff 's talent was the opening goal he scored to set us on the way to a Wembley victory over Everton in the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final in April 1991 , cleaving his way though The Toffees ' defence to head home from a corner and , perhaps partly because of Palace 's and Geoff 's success at Wembley , he was awarded his first full International cap when England travelled to Turkey for the European Nations Championship tie on May Day 1991 .
20 Fortunately , in this series of articles we will use more conventional maps to set us on the treasure trail , because it is my belief that correctly interpreted , the Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles already contain most of the information necessary to track down some of the treasures that time has so cunningly concealed !
21 We 've a right to govern our own country , and we 've a right not to be told by other countries that we should be split into two , that we 're two different nations because they decided to split us down the middle .
22 Last Wednesday we invited the 4 British students studying at the University to visit us at the hotel for dinner .
23 Her forehead shines whitely above the dark glasses ; she has not been well but the resting home has allowed her to visit us for the afternoon .
24 ‘ We would also like former pupils of the school , both locally and from more distant parts , to visit us during the celebrations , he said .
25 Donald , one of our neighbours , undertook to initiate us into the art of peat-cutting .
26 Psychedelics , he argues , can be used to reconnect us with the earth itself , or rather , the Gaian mind .
27 He 'd try to sneak us into the zoo without paying and we 'd get caught and taken down to the Police Station .
28 They had arrived to play us in the Trophy .
29 God means to free us from the bondage to the self-centredness and self-vindication which marked us in the old days , and has equipped us with the Spirit of the Messiah to set us free to serve him unselfconsciously , effectively and joyfully .
30 It 's a new secret organization of nationalists and patriots working to free us from the French ! "
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