Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun pl] between the " in BNC.

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1 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be stated , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
2 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be states , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
3 While British officials were busy trying to put the best face on the evident lack of progress at the talks , the Chinese delegation was eager to emphasise the differences between the sides .
4 For example , proposals such as those to base service provision on charges or vouchers are impractical and tend only to increase the differences between the services available in different areas and to shift the costs from the more visible budgets of the services to the less visible ones of the individual , relatively powerless consumer : either their pockets or their time and energy will be hit .
5 The works of painters such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko show the same ability to leap the boundaries between the space of the painting and that which the audience occupies , so clearly seen in the Nymphéas paintings in the marmottan Museum .
6 Indeed , one famous DJ was recently quoted as saying ‘ I 'm paid to provide the bits between the records ’ .
7 This study was carried out to examine the two decade trends in the incidence and death from pancreatitis , and to evaluate the relations between the occurrence of pancreatitis and alcohol consumption , liver cirrhosis , and gall stone disease in Finland .
8 The aim was to explore the differences between the two sides following the BS announcement that , from March 31 , it will abandon rail transport from a quarry at Redmire to its works at Redcar in favour of road haulage .
9 The analysts were concerned at this point with improving their understanding , by taking the conceptual model of the IPS as a starting point , and using the instruments to explore the relationships between the model and the actual situation .
10 In their third year they will also have the opportunity to combine their chosen subjects in an inter-disciplinary course which will permit them to explore the links between the two .
11 Similar criticisms of these explanations have often been formulated by sociologically-based theories which attempt to reflect the connections between the legal system and the political , cultural and economic systems .
12 The Lamarckians used the idea of a progressive scale to define the relationships between the main groups .
13 The close proximity of the issue to the announcement of cost overruns at Eurotunnel has led many analysts to highlight the similarities between the schemes .
14 The most common problem has been the need to replace the joints between the 15 or 20 metre spans of the road .
15 The merchant , moreover , seems to be liberated by his financial success to take his own carnal reward : These parallels between the monk and merchant should not , however , be allowed to obscure the differences between the two , especially the moral contrast .
16 The objective is to trace the relationships between the values and attitudes of managers in small and medium sized enterprises , their strategies and their eventual performance .
17 Therefore , the increased separation of home and workplace in the modern economy has acted to strengthen the interlinkages between the rural and urban segments of the economy .
18 We also want to strengthen the links between the DTI and the highly successful Training and Enterprise Councils .
19 Some reserve prices are shown to illustrate the differences between the owner 's reserve price and what bidder were willing to pay .
20 In order to illustrate the links between the programme of the Caroline bureaucrats and that of the nineteenth-century liberals we may take as examples the reform of the administrative structure ( both in Spain and in America ) , agrarian reform , church reform , and educational reform .
21 It would be interesting to compare the adherent and hydrophobic properties of faecal and mucosa-associated E coli isolates from individual patients in order to resolve the discrepancies between the data presented here and those reported by others .
22 According to All-India Radio , Bhattarai proposed a meeting with the Indian Prime Minister , V. P. Singh , in order to resolve the problems between the two countries .
23 The new ecologists were particularly inclined to stress the interactions between the different species making up the population of each area .
24 The Russian Formalists would , on the contrary , want to stress the differences between the two types of language , poetic language being defined at every level ( including the semantic ) in opposition to practical or ordinary language .
25 This set out a pattern of Soviet policy in Far East and South East Asia in terms of a Soviet policy which sought to weaken the ties between the colonies and the colonial powers through the encouragement of nationalism and by capitalizing on the discontent caused by long periods of ‘ colonial oppression ’ and by disrupting the colonial economies either by armed action or by labour disorders so that the metropolitan powers would be deprived of revenue and resources .
26 And even then the said imagination must be in some place heavily impregnated with magic , which helps to weaken the walls between the world of the seen and unseen .
27 Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , himself Polish-born , had once commented that " Poles suck in anti-Semitism with their mothers ' milk " , and a main purpose of Walesa 's visit was to ease the strains between the two countries centring on enduring Polish anti-Semitism ; Walesa himself was still trying to live down the controversy caused by a statement during his 1990 presidential campaign that he was " clean " because his family had no Jewish blood .
28 Position this row so it starts to fill the spaces between the first tufts to give good coverage .
29 Some form of fixed price plus incentive payment offers a partial solution , the aim being to share the risks between the contracting parties .
30 Other weapons found between approximately 1066 and 1180 include the bisacuta , oucin and besaque , all of which were types of pick used to pierce the joints between the armour plates on a hauberk .
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