Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun pl] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote that at the Council of Oxford in 1227 , ‘ the King caused to be cancelled and annulled all the charters of liberties of the forest , although they had already been in force in the whole realm for two years ’ : the earls who rebelled in July were said to have compelled the king to restore the charters by the threat of armed force .
2 SGS Thomson says it intends to sample the devices by the year end .
3 On the day the General Election was announced , the major parties had been invited to attend the meetings by the pressure group Save British Science .
4 The bad news is for members in Northern Ireland and Great Britain where , because of the continuing climate of increasing claims being encountered by all insurance companies , it has unfortunately been necessary to increase the rates by an average of 23% for all new business and policies falling due for renewal on and after the 1st May next .
5 Indeed the Post Office is believed to be the first major organisation to provide the details by the direct method .
6 For the remaining 5 per cent of the year , they are allowed to exceed the standards by an unlimited amount .
7 The maximum likelihood method was used to fit the models by the BMDP3V computer program .
8 In the event it was decided against all precedent to bypass the flights by the construction of inclined plane lifts .
9 Now , Peg and I used to do the cattle by the cottage , the beef cattle , I expect you know what Garaleden are , do you ?
10 If the seller is allowed to qualify the warranties by a subjective test such as ‘ in the opinion of the seller ’ , the acquirer will not have the protection it would hope for .
11 The great cultural danger for the English is , to my mind , their tendency to judge the arts by the values appropriate to the conduct of family life .
12 To the New York Times Pebbles was ‘ the English filly who drinks a pint of stout every morning and went to post in the company of a British gelding she has a crush on ’ ; in the 1985 Breeders ' Cup Turf at Aqueduct she ‘ overcame a poor start and traffic problems to beat the boys by a neck ’ and provide Britain 's first win in a Breeders ' Cup event .
13 This could occur if the breach by the seller is a failure to deliver the goods by the contractual delivery date , or if the seller commits an anticipatory repudiation , e.g. informs the buyer that he will not be delivering or will not be delivering by the contractual delivery date .
14 Deputies stood and sang the national anthem after Communist and Solidarity members united to approve the changes by a vote of 374-1 with 11 abstentions .
15 John described it to many interviewers as if the free lessons were a concession in return for taking part in performances , but it would be more realistic to regard the performances by the University of Cape Town Ballet as a valuable part of his ballet education .
16 The plaintiffs brought an action for damages against the defendants for , inter alia , conspiracy to defraud the plaintiffs by the obtaining of inflated fees and commission payments in respect of a number of property transactions conducted by the defendants on the plaintiffs ' behalf .
17 Where the pope provided candidates to bishoprics , Edward was quick to scotch any papal claims to confer the temporalities by the same act of provision .
18 He will have done such an act if he does something which substantially impedes his ability to return the goods by the end of the period ( whether that be a stipulated period or a reasonable length of time ) .
19 They extracted power to propel the ships by a corollary of Bernoulli 's theorem ( which describes the principle of energy conservation for ideal fluids in steady flow ) .
20 The tenants had breached covenants requiring them to reconstruct the premises by a certain date and to notify the landlords of any changes related to the premises .
21 And like we used to bath the babies by the fire , even though it was mid-July .
22 A sensitive herself , Susan is first to feel the bids by the Sensorites to make telepathic contact .
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