Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You need a four base width formation to get your rank bonuses , but it is better to sacrifice the bonus in favour of avoiding being dragged into a broader combat .
2 It is often suggested in the literature that male migration aggravates environmental degradation as women 's coping strategies are modified to accommodate the fall in labour availability in rural households .
3 The company , faced with a bad debt of £40,000 , took drastic action to accommodate the blow to cash flow .
4 Erm first of all Chairman I would confirm that it is our view that with a provision of six thousand five hundred for Harrogate district , we do n't think we 'd be looking at a new settlement to serve our needs , erm , having said that , we support the Greater York strategy , and we we certainly the level of provision erm for Greater York as proposed by the County Council , er but leaving aside for one moment the issue of a new settlement , it is our view that we 'll be able to accommodate the level of growth that I think is anticipated in our district , erm , within the figures , and I 'm referring specifically to N Y one , and the table on the last page where there 's an indication there of the sort of of er housing numbers that would would have to be accommodated within Harrogate district , and and our part of Greater York is essentially a rural character consisting of a a number of small villages , so there there we have er a total figure of two hundred dwellings to be provided within our part of Greater York , that basically represents erm existing commitments and a a yield from small sites in the future , perhaps conversions , and we'r we 're quite happy with that .
5 The city of Lothern grew from a small fishing village to a great city to accommodate the increase in trade from the colonies and other realms .
6 There was no lack of change in Aberdeen 's team , though , with McKimmie replacing Winnie and Shearer being left on the bench to accommodate the return of Booth .
7 Thus when Hollar asks him to smuggle his thesis out of the country and proposes a solution to Anderson 's ethical objections ( " But if you did n't know you were smuggling it " ) , his determination to preserve his negative face is demonstrated by the fact that he interrupts Hollar 's proposal in order to uphold the maxim of quality at the expense of the maxim of agreement ( 'smuggling implies knowledge " , ( p. 56 ) ) .
8 It would seem that Parliament 's legal power has been limited only if : ( a ) community law is seen as a higher system of law ; and ( b ) our courts are willing to uphold the supremacy of community law .
9 On the final day of Coleman 's life an appeal for a stay of execution was denied by the Supreme Court by a vote of 7:2 , reflecting a growing determination to uphold the decision of state courts and , thereby , to limit the scope of appeals by Death Row prisoners [ see above ] .
10 The treaty of Rome should be amended to uphold the union of nation state and exclude a federal destiny .
11 It would be paradoxical for them to be in the vanguard of social change , for as Templeton ( 1980 ) points out , they are ‘ there to preserve the structure ; to uphold the state of play ’ .
12 But , on balance , the government seemed able to claim that it had turned the tide , albeit with the aid of £2 billions from North Sea oil to swing the balance into surplus .
13 This demand for flexibility will tend to swing the balance of load back to the teacher , with the computer program in a supportive role .
14 Remember that it is better to kill the reader with kindness by selecting information for him than to batter him to death in a flurry of factual blows !
15 It may be possible to target the liver by interaction with ( for instance ) transferrin receptors , which are abundant in this organ .
16 And Cromadex , which serves a 6,000-strong network of end-users , aims to target the multitude of component suppliers to the larger customers .
17 In principle , to target the virus to cell surface molecules which are not recognised by natural viral coat proteins , we could incorporate functional nonviral polypeptides into the virion .
18 I have also made available to local authorities resources to enable the level of expenditure per council house to be maintained and to enable further measures to be taken to tackle the problems of homelessness and dampness in council housing .
19 The request which was made to me in Committee was to bring forward amendments to enable the Secretary of State to set up a funding council , on the clear understanding that no commitment was being given that we would wish to do such a thing .
20 To enable the wife to work , the couple have employed a nanny and have also decided to educate their children at private London day schools .
21 On Sept. 9 an official from the French Ministry of Economy and Finance announced that France would help Congo to pay off debt arrears owed to international financial institutions in order to enable the resumption of co-operation between Congo and these bodies .
22 Hitachi Ltd has a new tool for use in building diagnostic and consulting expert systems : called ES-Pormote2/W-DIAG , it is designed to enable the input of knowledge in a tree structure , and it has been available from the beginning of the month at $6,000 ; it runs on the Hitachi 3050 series of Unix workstations and can be used to generate a source code program for Hitachi 's ES/Kernel series of general purpose expert system development tools ; ES-Promote runs under Hitachi 's implementation of Motif and the X Window system .
23 For example , it can be used : to predict whether or not a chemical reaction is likely to occur when two different substances are mixed ; to enable the amount of energy theoretically required by or released during reactions to be calculated ; to predict the extent to which a reaction will proceed before reaching a condition of equilibrium .
24 The effect of an abrupt change , for audiences more experienced than those of 1896 , is to alert the viewer to camera trickery , destroying belief .
25 But it is important to affirm the independence in principle of the linguistic and social analysis at this stage of the work , especially as this does not always seem to be recognized .
26 Pointing to the lack of decent recreational facilities m the slums , Butterworth also believed that ‘ it is pointless to denounce street evils , gang hooliganism or to mourn the absence of team spirit in poorer areas …
27 Eventually , institutions will be forced to seek help from the Bank which can then use its power to signal the level of interest rates it would like to see .
28 The time might have come when they would find reasons why the King could do no right and why no kingly head deserved to wear the cap of Liberty .
29 The strength of the Crown during the Tory Reaction was to a large degree dependent on the fact that Charles II was at last prepared to wear the mantle of King of the Anglicans , and he was very careful in soliciting their support .
30 They like to wear the cloak of socialism because it 's trendy on the international stage .
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