Example sentences of "[to-vb] she [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After spending more of the taxpayers ' funds to make the King Edmondo seaworthy , and to rig her out with state-of-the-art marine communications equipment , Coleman handed the boat over in late March to Hurley , who renamed her Skunk Kilo .
2 He 'd been sent to escort her back after that first long-ago attempt to cross the border ; and with that , it had begun .
3 A cool shower managed to sharpen her up to normal .
4 No business to lead her on like that . ’
5 Oh it 's so funny , cos the second time he could n't , he came back and I think I was upstairs , and she did n't shut the door and I said all four , cos I 've got to pick her up at five , he said oh , anyway he went back , after dinner he 'd gone back and I said told you about it 's five o'clock , he said are you on me .
6 Jennifer realised that she would have to run for her train if she was to be home in time ; Steven had booked a table at their favourite restaurant and was due to pick her up at 7.30 .
7 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
8 It 's awful to let her in for all this . ’
9 ‘ I 've had to put her off till two o'clock .
10 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
11 The waiter , a cocky Italian who flicked his buttocks at her at the least opportunity , eyed her patronisingly and made attempts to chat her up in feeble English .
12 He 'd wanted to send her off to some relative in the country , but she did n't seem to have any family .
13 Why did I bother to tell her , only to have her shout at me , accuse me of being crazy to wake her up for that and tell me to keep my nose out of her brother 's business , especially since it was nothing to do with me .
14 It was my responsibility I brought that child into the world , and there was no way I was going to thrust her off onto other people .
15 Charles planned to marry her off to this man .
16 Hell , Nick , I tried to get her out of that place , but she did n't care .
17 Surely , to get her out of that tedious place — if only for a time — must be a better answer .
18 She knew instinctively that Buzz would reappear to get her out of this place and help her to recover .
19 ‘ Desmond , ’ said Margaret Seymour-Strachey , ‘ you 've got to get her back into that house as soon as possible .
20 It was impossible to fob her off with vague statements — and perhaps unwise .
21 He was quick , she noticed , to take her up on any casual remark and supposed that his interest in other people 's affairs and their reactions had something to do with the novelist in him .
22 He had had to bring her back through one of the worst storms on the North Atlantic .
23 Catching hold of her and she could n't get back do you seem because he had slipped this hand down this stick , got hold of her and he you see , and then I let go of the dog and take the the front feet and we used to drag her out like that you see , from the burrow and put her in a bag .
24 He tried cautiously to shove her over by main force , but she was too heavy .
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