Example sentences of "[to-vb] she [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Overwhelmed by not having noticed this earlier , by his failure of politeness , observation and helpfulness , all that had been taught him from boyhood up , Richard proceeded at the double onto the Embankment , to escort her on to Lord Jim .
2 A French galley will pick her up off the coast of the Forth and take her out to the sea where other ships are waiting to escort her back to France .
3 Particularly when she wishes you to escort her back to Les Hiboux .
4 She at first refuses to help him , suspecting a trap to catch her out in witchery , but as the clerk , Wilekin , persists she finally agrees to solve the problem , accepting twenty shillings in payment .
5 He stopped beside her chair , reaching with easy strength to pull her up in front of him .
6 And it was just as well that she did so because Harry appeared at that moment , to lead her out for sherry and soda .
7 Then Kurt has to shell out a considerable amount of money , maybe $25,000 , for the first class plane seats so that Courtney can fly home lying down and a specially appointed ambulance to pick her up at LA airport .
8 Miss Jeanette told how Nichol had scratches on his face , neck and lip when he arrived to pick her up for work .
9 She waited , holding her breath , wondering whether he would really answer all the questions that had been buzzing around in her head ever since she had first met him , or whether he would skirt around the subject and depend instead on the overwhelming attraction she felt for him to talk her back into bed .
10 Could the real purpose of Sandra 's visit to the doctor 's be to fix her up with contraception ?
11 ‘ We intend to keep it in its present immaculate condition and to taxi her up to take-off speeds at regular intervals to keep the engines and flight systems in perfect working order .
12 She had a sudden dark suspicion that he was doing this deliberately — cold-bloodedly engineering a convenient marriage just to do her out of custody .
13 ‘ Father Laverty came to see me in hospital two days after the birth and had the nerve to look at my beautiful baby and ask me to put her up for adoption . ’
14 and she had a hundred pounds , she put a hundred pounds in to cover the , you know , to put her back into credit .
15 Eventually , after some effort to put her off with euphemisms she reveals the forbidden word : vit .
16 Professionally , he had seldom seen anyone in such a perfect state of health — that alone was sufficient to mark her out in Vetch Street .
17 There are various likely barns near where I live where she might seek shelter , and I 've always managed to lure her back with food .
18 Did I think it would be a wise move or should she try to persuade Meredith to keep her on for Christmas ?
19 She became , for a short while , my personal manager — we did a radio promotion tour around England on the ‘ Andy Warhol ’ single — but I often had the feeling that they were things that were given to Angie to keep her out of David 's way , to occupy her so that he could sort himself out .
20 As for this dose — ’ he frowned in thought , ‘ — perhaps enough to keep her out of action for a day . ’
21 She should also be at school , and Noreen threatened to send her back to Uncle Michael who would take her to school every day , if she did n't stop going on about coming to the theatre .
22 A buffet lunch was organised to send her off in style at which was presented with a variety of gifts for her new arrival .
23 Ill , insulted , lice-ridden , afraid of rape , she still ‘ kept on with her fellowship with great anguish and discomfort ’ , till they reached Aachen , where a rich English woman gave Margery leave to accompany her back to England .
24 Dana went on with his friend to see her off at Le Havre , while I made my way to London , where I was joined by Dana a few days later .
25 Because it was quite obviously more than probable that all Ven meant by that last remark was that , having driven her to Prague , he felt it his responsibility to drive her back to Mariánské Láznë again .
26 Although she was trained , she was still a beginner — like me — and it was n't easy to settle her down in front of all those kids , who , naturally , were all pointing and whispering when we came into the classroom .
27 They 'd reached the side of the boat and Guido 's hands were at her waist , about to hoist her up on board .
28 I tried to force her back to bed , but her fever made her surprisingly strong .
29 The United States broke the unofficial cartel with Canada and tried to shoulder her out of markets .
30 He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial , and so she poured it on .
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