Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [art] [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So far 11 clubs have agreed to meet at the Nelson Pub in Brownlees on February 20 .
2 The committee then adjourned to meet at the Blenheim coffee house , New Bond Street , on 1 2 January 1 79 1 .
3 They had arranged to meet at the Metropole Hotel .
4 On this occasion , his uncle , the peppery old Nabob , was bidden to dine at the Cecil Hotel , in order that it might be proved to him that a respectable curry could be had outside the portals of the East India Club .
5 Closing date for this year 's writers ' bursaries from Northern Arts , buying time or a bit of peace and quiet to write at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre , is May 29 .
6 NEW commissionaires have been appointed to work at the Barlaston Lodges .
7 Because of the nature of his studies he was sent to work at the Esso refinery at Fawley .
8 I left the industry in the early Seventies and came back here to work at the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry .
9 I 'm not looking to work at the CFTC issue within the AFBD .
10 It seemed an ordinary enough night when Anne Simonsen set out to work at the Marina Hotel in Copenhagen where she had a job as part-time barmaid .
11 As a result Anne Wilson , the ward 's social worker , is now funded half by the hospital to work at the Sanderson rehabilitation centre to liaise with community social workers and families .
12 He was bound in the sum of £40 to appear at the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions in Kendal , the banker Christopher Wilson standing surety for him , for £30 .
13 We were delighted to have been invited to exhibit at the Grosvenor House Fair , which attracts a more diverse audience .
14 The Liverpool keeper 's one big mistake was to flap at a Wallace cross , allowing Cantona to head into a empty net and give Leeds a 4-2 advantage with a couple of minutes left .
15 A SHAKESPEARE play which was scheduled to open at the Liverpool Empire on Monday has been cancelled .
16 The painting will be the centrepiece of the postponed exhibition , ‘ Thomas Eakins and ‘ The Swimming Hole ’ ’ , to open at the Amon Carter in 1996 .
17 From this discussion of London Creole we turn now to look at the London English of my informants in the next chapter .
18 One has only to look at the United States , where they take sex education very seriously but seem to have got everything wrong , with the most appalling results to the nation 's health .
19 One only has to look at the Shropshire structure plan in which I was involved last year , and the Department of the Environment in that case had allowed the facility for new settlement without locational criteria .
20 Well , when I was asked to speak to you today , I decided to look at the Oxford Dictionary 's definition of Community , which is joint ownership or liability .
21 He concluded that it was proper to look at the GUS group as a single entity .
22 Matters were not improved for the defence when the trial judge refused Mr. Small 's application for the judge to look at the January statement for himself pursuant to section 17 of the Evidence Act .
23 I also asked him to look at the Twyford Down plan with a view to having a tunnel under the Down rather than a cutting .
24 To see and support British effort , one has only to look at the Chelsea Show which starts on May 25 , where the National Farmers Union stand is so impressive with the huge pyramid of vegetables , fruit and flowers .
25 ‘ She made it clear no decision had been taken and she was going to look at the Tomlinson Report with a totally objective view , ’ he said .
26 Given the amount of negative equity still locking in to the system , it may be instructive to look at the UK consumer 's reaction to lower interest rates .
27 During his busy day , will my right hon. Friend take time to look at the Harris poll in last Sunday 's issue of The Observer which clearly showed that two thirds of the people of this country , including 60 per cent .
28 It would be lovely to walk along the Champs-Elysées and see the Arc de Triomphe , go into the Louvre to look at the Mona Lisa , and visit the Opera House .
29 The Attorney General would spend hours poring over the evidence before asking the Court of Appeal to look at the Courtney case .
30 Vacation time Francis arranged for him to caddy at the Lyford Cay club to keep him out of trouble .
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