Example sentences of "[to-vb] they as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was ludicrous to see them as a threat to security .
2 Practical theories and theoretized practice meet somewhere in the middle , and it may be more fruitful to see them as a continuum than as a dichotomy .
3 First , bankers are so used to thinking of intangibles as chiefly useful for pricing takeovers and then minimising taxes after them ( intangibles can be amortised for tax purposes ) that they have been slow to see them as a way of wooing investors .
4 The only plausible way historically to guarantee the authority of such rights has been to see them as the issue of a divine law-giver .
5 Well , of course , it did not take very long for people to realize that if someone wanted to sell his company and retire to the country with the proceeds , these provisions could be used to postpone payment of capital gains tax almost indefinitely so long as he was prepared to continue to hold the shares issued to him and to treat them as an investment .
6 These groups are known by a variety of names , but the central idea is to bring together a small number of people who have certain interests or characteristics in common and to interview them as a group .
7 As she notes , ‘ economic rationality led in neighbouring villages to the creation of rules of cultivation which sufficiently resembled one another for us to classify them as a system ’ ( p. 273 ) .
8 There may be economies in using higher educational facilities as locations for events and academics as consultants ; and some of these resources may be cheaper than they would be if the company had to provide them as a call on the payload .
9 Do you think it 's safe to sell them as a job lot ? ’
10 Spices certainly have come a long way since their early days , when they were a rare commodity and it was considered an honour to receive them as a gift .
11 Historically it has been convenient to explore them as an evolution from the works of Euclid .
12 She was accustomed to her parents ' absences and proud to endure them as a member of a sailor 's family should , without complaint , but now the absence of her mother and father disturbed her .
13 So it becomes a relatively straightforward matter to list them as an inventory .
14 A few days later , immediately alongside the busy M40 , a pause at traffic-lights enabled me to glance at a dense assembly of birds , as closely-packed as starlings , extending for almost a quarter of a mile along the edge of the arable field , and I was able to identify them as a mixture of Lapwing and ‘ goldies , ’ all immobile , and many of the latter with their heads tucked in as if fast asleep .
15 Examples are known at Great Chesterford , Camerton , Margidunum and Droitwich , among others.59 But these structures on the whole resemble the familiar winged-corridor villas of the countryside , a building style which was restricted neither to Britain nor entirely to the countryside.60 Care must therefore be observed in trying to identify them as the residences of minor provincial officials , for obviously they might be no more than the farmhouses of local landowners and in degree little different from a normal villa .
16 They appear to regard them as useful for acquainting teachers and brighter pupils with industrial life , but to discount them as a means of selecting employees .
17 In this extract the senior devil instructs his nephew to use them as a tactic in subverting the progress of the new believer :
18 She therefore engages in a diagnostic experiment of identifying historically distinct meanings of the concept in order to use them as a measure against contemporary political usage .
19 The Ostrogothic king Theodoric cultivated contacts with them , drawing them into his web of marriage alliances , and trying to use them as a check on Clovis in 507 .
20 thought that he could create an advantage by shipping some Russian rocket missiles to his friend , Fidel Castro , in the island of Cuba , so that he would be able to use them as a threat against the continent of North America , a comparatively short distance away .
21 The Mayor of the Hu Xi district offered almost US$20,000 to the fishermen for the purchase of 17 dolphins , hoping to use them as a tourist attraction .
22 Well , how about one or two lace patterns , for example , bed jackets and cardigans for those elderly and bedridden friends , something really pretty to give them as a gift .
23 In Nanking also , they had to build them as a safety measure , but they have either been dismantled or moved out of sight .
24 The Latin American ministers urged the EC countries not to forget them as the demand for aid from eastern Europe and the Soviet Union became more pressing .
25 Each of these categories — nomadic , village , workshop and masterworkshop — has its own special qualities and appeal ; people who like nomadic rugs , for example , will tend to appreciate them as a whole , regardless of whether they originate form Persia , Anatolia or Afghanistan .
26 Most important of all , it meant a decline in the relative importance of privateers and even , at least in Britain , a tendency to regard them as a hindrance to the work of the navy proper .
27 Only the earl of Lancaster among the nobility and Winchelsey among the prelates were committed to the Ordinances ; others seemed to regard them as a measure , or cover for measures , against Gaveston ; Winchelsey , however , died in 1313 , leaving Lancaster alone to pursue his ambitions in the name of the Ordinances .
28 Following his experience of the 1880s , Wilson 's initial approach to the problem of foreign seamen was to regard them as a danger to his union , both in providing cheap labour and in posing a threat to its policy of restricting the manning of ships to its own members .
29 To regard them as an example of a clear-cut binary opposition between good and evil , or rationality and irrationality fails to engage with the kinds of investments which they actually entail .
30 From the later period of canal cutting to the early one of railway building there was clearly a link in the inheriting of a core of toughened labourers and foremen who , even if posterity has chosen to present them as the antithesis of skilled , at very least knew what they were doing when it came to tunnels , cuts and embankments .
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