Example sentences of "[to-vb] you of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have had a couple of occasions where the money can not be claimed back recently , so this is just to inform you of the position that the insurers are taking .
2 Further to our telephone conversation last week , I am writing to inform you of the changes of circumstances concerning the above policy , which I had completely forgotten to do , and for which I apologize .
3 Your local Age Concern group may be able to inform you of the help available in the area to assist you with your fuel or heating problem .
4 This message is displayed to inform you of the mail identifier for the preceeding transaction .
5 ‘ I am extremely sorry to inform you of the death of poor Mary Flint — the haemorrhage from the stomach had ceased for nearly a week in consequence of which her other symptoms became aggravated .
6 I thought that as I 'd involved you all , to some extent , in the enquiries that were launched yesterday , I ought to inform you of the results of our search for the boy , Gerry Boden … ’
7 All these things are just as likely to rid you of a headache as taking a pill .
8 If you wish the Department to notify you of the result of the Inquiry please state this in your letter .
9 After a long few seconds Karelius said , ‘ I can see it 's no use trying to convince you of the way I feel .
10 Anglo-Welsh is attempting to deprive you of the opportunity to benefit from our excellent prospects .
11 Disclaimers may also be used by referees and others to rob you of a claim for damages .
12 Erm simply to remind you of the position of of Selby District in in that our interest in a new settlement emerged out of concern for the quality of life in existing villages in in Selby district , and concerns for the impact of future peripheral development in those villages , and not just peripheral development on the edge of York , although of course we acknowledge that as an important consideration and it is for that reason that we fully supported the County Council 's proposals in relation to greenbelt , erm you asked the question earlier in relation to the P P G advice and and the six criteria , erm in fact I 've already rehearsed that argument in my submission so I wo n't repeat it now , erm the fact that you chose to phrase the question that way I 'll take as a good omen as to the way I presented my submission , but it it it 's there for you to read again , the the the main point that I want to address is something that was raised by Mr Wincup yesterday , and that was the difference or not as between Selby district and Hambledon district , er M Mr Jewitt 's made reference earlier to his opposition to the new settlement , and in doing so he he he mentioned the settlement pattern in Hambledon district , he 'll correct me if I 'm wrong , but one of small dispersed villages , well in Selby district we do have villages of that nature , but the Northern part of of Selby district is significantly deferent to Hambledon , it 's characterized by much larger villages , and in fact the establishment of a new settlement would n't conflict with with the settlement pattern at all .
13 And I want to remind you of the history of when amalgamations take place , because a number of people have touched on that very point this morning .
14 I hope that as you use it through the year , it will serve to remind you of the life-saving work you are helping to make possible for children throughout the world .
15 Keep it to glance through occasionally ( as you should glance through your photo album showing your changing shape ) to remind you of the progress you have made .
16 A tape-counter readout in the finder is a very convenient way of finding your way around the recordings which are already on the tape , and there may be other indicators such as ‘ SP/LP ’ to remind you of the operating mode .
17 The aim here is simply to remind you of the basics and to draw your attention to some of the new provisions that could have a bearing on your immediate or longer term plans .
18 You do n't have to write these things in great detail — in fact you would stop the learning flow If you did so ; it is enough to put the page number and one or two words to remind you of the significance of what is contained there .
19 So I want to , first of all , in presenting this report to remind you of the importance of that link and for us to encourage its development .
20 ‘ Keep it to remind you of the time when Eddie 's little sister was n't good enough for you ! ’
21 Before I answer your questions this time , I would like to tell you of a couple of points that have arisen recently about machine maintenance .
22 There is no space to tell you of the depth of fellowship I am experiencing , of the great joy I have in teaching such folk , of all I am learning from these believers who have suffered so much , of the hardening opposition by the Orthodox Church , of the great work being done by the Baptists among Bulgarian orphans and of the plans for an orphanage , school and seminary .
23 In so doing , he has enabled me to tell you of the matter — in the fervent hope that you will discover a means of informing the queen my mother of our case . ’
24 ‘ I 'm in the prevention and protection business , so I 'd be failing in my duty not to warn you of the possibilities .
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