Example sentences of "[to-vb] that at [adv] one " in BNC.

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1 It is not so difficult , in these circumstances , to accept that at least one of the pilgrim-tellers should be represented as speaking through an incongruously feigned mouthpiece , in this case strengthening the antifeminist line of the tale by purporting to speak as a woman .
2 It was not uncommon for interviewees to report that at least one set of parents had been unhappy initially about their plans to marry and this was often connected in some way with disappointment or disapproval over the choice of spouse .
3 AS WIRRAL 'S two week International Guitar Festival of Great Britain gets under way today it is good to report that at least one local musician features in the line-up .
4 It is good therefore to be able to record that at least one such effort scored a stunning success .
5 This system was used before the advent of on-line catalogues to ensure that at least one copy of a book remained in a library system , which was often county-wide and contained many branches .
6 To avoid these problems , addition and deletion algorithms will have to ensure that at least one home record remains in any bucket to which any records randomize .
7 WITH all the talk of recession was n't it great to read that at least one important institution has been given a reprieve .
8 I 'd like to think that at least one of my travelling companions had a functioning intelligence . ’
9 They were able to show that at least one of the reasons for their failure was the immigration of insects from surrounding , untreated areas .
10 The point of this brier account of mistake is to show that at least one leading textbook of criminal law has distorted its presentation of the data because of a prior commitment to subjectivism .
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