Example sentences of "[to-vb] that the [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand one rather likes to find examples of animals helping each other , out of a confused feeling that it will somehow strengthen human motives for altruism to know that the lower creation can be altruistic too .
2 Since the set has two transmitter power settings , 1.6W and 5.0W output power , I had hoped to find that the higher power setting would overcome by 1.5W KX99 's main failing — its inability to talk to ground stations farther that about 10nm away ; but according to the controllers I tried to speak to using both hand-helds in turn , there was only a very marginal difference between the King and the ICOM unit on either of its power settings .
3 For years , he and Hank had exchanged only a few words , but now they began to talk , drawn together by the magic of money ; and Hank was surprised and flattered to find that the elder man was entranced by his sudden success .
4 The point of my remarks was to indicate that the longer timescale on which it is technically feasible to store AGR- and PWR irradiated fuels before reprocessing provides the CEGB with a flexibility not available in the case of magnox fuel .
5 The swelling made it impossible to discern his expression , but it was easy to see that the lower half of his face would always be grotesquely twisted .
6 We have to report that the lower House , quite literally , ended up on their backsides .
7 Though a case for this could be argued , it 's important to realize that the longer term goal of socialism had not changed it was only that
8 I have also included a flicker in the path of the arrow to suggest that the harder choice was actually contemplated for a while .
9 It involves an immense extrapolation of our actual knowledge to assert that the Schrödinger equation would furnish an adequate description of a system sufficiently complex as to be able to sustain consciousness .
10 It is an error to assume that the higher judiciary is always against reform .
11 The answer is that after mating they produce a tiny mobile larvae totally different to the adult this might drift for miles on ocean current before settling into the fixed adult form Down Norwick power station in North Wales , generates the electricity by pump storage , in off peak hours thousands of gallons of water are pumped from a lower lake to an upper lake , when the demand for electricity is high bowels are opened and water falls back through turbine to the lower lake again , this generates the power To ensure that the lower lake would never flood the was diverted through mile long tunnel in the mountain side , no one knew for certain how the salmon , the trout and even rarer that used to migrate up the old river would cope with the tunnels , pitch darkness and slow flowing water .
12 Its latent function was to ensure that the lower classes fitted in with the designs of their betters .
13 The nineteenth-century origins of these provisions are closely tied into a desire to hold down state expenditure and to ensure that the wealthier classes did not have to dig too deep into their pockets to support people who could not work for wages .
14 Such was the haste to build that the lower ranks of the Party were often not provided for properly .
15 People who hear themselves for the first time on a tape-recorder often find it hard to believe that the stranger talking is actually them .
16 In the first few months of independence the Poles came to realise that the lower reaches of the Vistula waterway — their economic lifeline to the coast — had in fact been badly neglected by the Germans .
17 There is thus no evidence to suppose that the younger generation is prepared to act like Michels 's trade union leaders and moderate the principles of their movement in return for personal power and prestige .
18 For OCS it is reasonable to argue that the higher frequency motion corresponds to the CO stretch and the lower frequency to the CS stretch , as the two terminal atoms have very different masses .
19 I have tried to emphasize the positive in this book , and in that spirit I should like to repeat that the longer term counter to fighting , jealousy and acquisitiveness is to train the child , patiently and repetitively , to share , to wait patiently , to see that pulling hair hurts , to co-operate — in other words to be socially sensitive .
20 She said she liked to think that the younger women looked on her as a mother , but of course they did n't : they found her faintly ridiculous , old-fashioned , gullible , naive .
21 The pros and cons of this theory are the subject of much contentious debate by experts , but it would probably be correct to say that the greater number of specialists believe that at least the more bipedal of the dinosaurs , including small and large carnivores , were warm-blooded , active animals .
22 It 's tempting to say that the bigger model was just more of the same , with added reverb , but that would n't be true .
23 Who is to say that the poorer countries of Europe are to be happy with a dominant Germany just because it is said to be good for ‘ Europe ’ ?
24 Using this criterion it was possible to show that the damper inertia should be four times the total motor/load inertia ( including the housing inertia ) : and the viscous fluid constant should then be related to the stiffness and damper inertia by : If a well-matched damper is coupled into the system the improvement in the single-step response is achieved with a shorter settling time and lower overshoot , as shown in Fig. 4.13 .
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