Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In one sense , the Nonjurors were Jacobites by definition , since they refused to accept that as a result of the Revolution William and Mary were now rightful and lawful rulers instead of James .
2 B may refuse to accept that as a repudiation by S. In that case B will be able to sue for damages for non-delivery if on December 1 S does not deliver .
3 And the main thrust of our campaign was to try and get the D , to get the D H S S to accept that as an entity , as a tower block , was hard to heat , so that the tenants would automatically get it .
4 and then when it 's got that and it 's got end on the bottom here , at the end of the stopping zone , you 've got to know that on a motorway
5 Therefore you will need to rewrite that in a way which mean something to modern erm , readers .
6 Not only does this increase costs and emphasise differences between richer and poorer children but it also contributes to a very inflexible and inefficient distribution of learning materials , since under this system ‘ shared ’ material is never bought — only class texts — and it is by no means uncommon to find that as a result a class may end up with only two or three books at its disposal , all in multiple copies .
7 Mental incapacity It is usual to provide that upon a partner becoming a patient under the Mental Health Act 1983 his colleagues should have the option of terminating their partnership with him .
8 It would be wrong to pretend that in a booklet of this size , we can do any more than raise some of these issues and give an overview of the way in which the company tries to deal with them .
9 Now I 'm a governor of two schools and from this perspective in particular , I 'm very pleased to see that as a result of the legacy of previous Conservative administration and the generous S S A proposals for this year , that the Conservative group have been able to put forward a budget which enables schools budgets to be increased fully for demography and inflation and certainly I know that was a great worry this year in many of our schools that that might not be possible so it 's good to see that it is possible .
10 First , we need to remember that as a reflection of God , Adam was somewhat incomplete .
11 You have to remember that in a school such as ours the children are not as ready and willing to learn as in schools in middle-class neighbourhoods .
12 It also held East Indian bonds , and the fact that it gave substantial mortgages on land has led Dickson to suggest that to an extent it was diverting funds derived from industry and trade towards the landed interest .
13 I 'd also like to suggest that as a goodwill gesture and a partial recompense for the inconvenience caused to Scorton residents Ribble should offer the service free for the month of August .
14 So with that if one of them goes you just have to buy that as an element just slot it it comes it 's like a light bulb .
15 The people who took it round tended to assume that in a house of four storeys there must be two families : some of them would leave four copies .
16 By notice of appeal dated 22 April 1992 the father appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that any consideration of the children 's welfare in the context of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was relevant only as a material factor if it met the test of placing the children in an ‘ intolerable situation ’ under article 13 ( b ) ; ( 2 ) the judge should have limited considerations of welfare to the criteria for welfare laid down by the Convention itself ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that in the context of the exercise of the discretion permitted by article 13 ( a ) the court was limited to a consideration of the nature and quality of the father 's acquiescence ( as found by the Court of Appeal ) ; ( 4 ) in the premises , despite her acknowledgment that the exercise of her discretion had to be seen in the context of the Convention , the judge exercised a discretion based on a welfare test appropriate to wardship proceedings ; ( 5 ) the judge was further in error as a matter of law in not perceiving as the starting point for the exercise of her discretion the proposition that under the Convention the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the state from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 6 ) the judge , having found that on the ability to determine the issue between the parents there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England , was wrong not to conclude that as a consequence the mother had failed to displace the fundamental premise of the Convention that the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the country from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 7 ) the judge also misdirected herself when considering which court should decide the future of the children ( a ) by applying considerations more appropriate to the doctrine of forum conveniens and ( b ) by having regard to the likely outcome of the hearing in that court contrary to the principles set out in In re F. ( A Minor ) ( Abduction : Custody Rights ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 25 ; ( 8 ) in the alternative , if the judge was right to apply the forum conveniens approach , she failed to have regard to the following facts and matters : ( a ) that the parties were married in Australia ; ( b ) that the parties had spent the majority of their married life in Australia ; ( c ) that the children were born in Australia and were Australian citizens ; ( d ) that the children had spent the majority of their lives in Australia ; ( e ) the matters referred to in ground ( 9 ) ; ( 9 ) in any event on the facts the judge was wrong to find that there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England as fora for deciding the children 's future ; ( 11 ) the judge was wrong on the facts to find that there had been a change in the circumstances to which the mother would be returning in Australia given the findings made by Thorpe J. that ( a ) the former matrimonial home was to be sold ; ( b ) it would be unavailable for occupation by the mother and the children after 7 February 1992 ; and ( c ) there would be no financial support for the mother other than state benefits : matters which neither Thorpe J. nor the Court of Appeal found amounted to ‘ an intolerable situation . ’
17 This was taken up by local historians as an opportunity to highlight the indignity committed against the town and to use that as an excuse for Stamford 's embarrassing decline into a small provincial town the ‘ sleepy hollow ’ backwater of the nineteenth century .
18 The role of adult education , in this respect , is therefore twofold : to provide leisure or recreational courses to enable unemployed people to fill in their increased ‘ leisure hours ’ with personally satisfying ( but cheap ) activities ; and to ensure that in a variety of ways unemployed people are ‘ reintegrated ’ into society , brought within the norms of the dominant culture , and protected from deviant modes of thought and behaviour .
19 I am much induced to believe that from an examination of the foreign correspondence of that Society ( of which W. Watson of Bartlett 's Buildings is sollicitor ) [ sic ] some traces might be found which might lead to discover some of Mr. Stone 's accomplices .
20 So what we need to do is to recognise that as a witness of that , of the way in which we work , because it is .
21 The management er clearly desired to implement the scheme er with the minimum amount of frustration er to anyone , although you 've got to understand that as an engineer working a , a big milling machine for example , if someone comes along and said er , you know you could stand that job on its side different to what you 've got it at the moment , and you could do two faces instead of one you know , by turning the table and you know , by use of various tools er decrease the time factor , there was the , it was a fear that our members may work themselves out of a job .
22 At the time of Cats , for example , there were lots of offers to turn that into a film , but his instinct was to keep it as a musical play and hold off the film offers .
23 In a series of examples , Lieberson goes on to demonstrate that under a variety of conditions , unmeasured selectivity can produce wrong answers and identify wrong patterns .
24 I had just enough sense to appreciate that as a pain it rated no higher than a toothache .
25 Also , I learned to appreciate that as a critic you say what you have to say and go on to the next thing in LA you never go on to the next thing . ’
26 Solicitors ' firms large and small have come to realise that at a time when competition is intense and growth is seen as essential in order to meet increased overheads and maintain profit levels ( let alone to increase them ) any policy which irrevocably rules out fundamental reorganisation of their practices is likely to prove short-sighted .
27 In these schools and classrooms the more traditional approaches to teaching and learning were rejected , not because they were traditional but because their teachers came to realise that through a programme of learning which was based upon the qualities and gifts of each child , higher standards could be achieved .
28 At the same time , if by a failure to take a decisive stand Kirkton should be defeated , it would be easy to describe that as a defeat for the Montrose interest to which Kirkton had long been attached .
29 I had never had to argue that as a woman I should have an education , become a theologian , own a house , or anything else .
30 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
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