Example sentences of "[to-vb] he in that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You pay a forfeit to put him in that race .
2 Gary became aware of YWAM as an organisation and that God might be able to use him in that organisation .
3 But it certainly suited the dominant landed gentry to interpret him in that way .
4 At least , I am sure he has enough to recommend him , should — should any female be inclined to consider him in that light . ’
5 I may have been being a bit selfish , but I could n't bear to lose him in that way , and he seemed to be making such an effort himself , not ever putting weight on that leg and eating as much as he could .
6 Such examples lead on to Nagel 's definition of moral luck : ‘ Where a significant aspect of what someone does depends upon factors beyond his control , yet we continue to treat him in that respect as an object of moral judgment , it can be called moral luck .
7 Certainly , the Opposition will be only too pleased to support him in that respect .
8 For a long time it suited the others to have him in that job .
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