Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We like to make sense of things , to analyse– to generalise , to see ourselves as rational problem solvers .
2 In social situations , most of us want to enjoy ourselves through pleasant company and good food and wine .
3 Also a good pointer where we 've been able to compare ourselves with civil engineering scaled fees , which was on the Overtown Bank Slip which was a job which went completely right , perfect no problems .
4 As time goes by it is likely to find itself under increasing pressure , for the glossy men are now moving into the petrology field too .
5 It was important to position herself within easy reach of the doors before letting him see her , in case she had to bolt .
6 In the wake of IBM 's fateful decision , the relative handful of customers that had not actively sought all the pricing data available were driven to plug themselves into new information sources .
7 The ‘ co-decision ’ procedure applies to areas of law such as the single market , consumer protection , the free movement of labour and the right of individuals and companies to establish themselves in other member states .
8 One of the main problems in banking is that banks have not been free to establish themselves in other member states — the technical phrase which applies here is the Right of Establishment .
9 The rail unions staged a series of strikes over poor pay and BR insistence on an end to collective bargaining , and were somewhat surprised to find themselves with public sympathy despite many complete network shutdowns .
10 The paper was seen as constituting ‘ guidance for local education authorities ’ and the ministers proposed to inform themselves in due course about the action taken by LEAs with regard to that guidance .
11 Every morning , Mandru liked to indulge himself in religious spectacle , although the Ixmaritians all doubted whether this was inspired by faith and devotion .
12 Tony himself suggested attending at different times each week in order to familiarize himself with different subject areas of the curriculum .
13 Encouraged initially by his father in the belief that the acquisition and mastery of the culture dispensed in the state educational system was a necessary prerequisite to self-advancement , and spurred on by the conviction that to avoid his father 's fate he must acquire the one element that his father lacked , Nizan proceeded systematically and relatively uncritically between 1917 and 1924 to immerse himself in bourgeois culture .
14 If so , America will have missed its best opportunity to lock itself into low inflation .
15 John Mansfield Comprehensive School , Peterborough was the first school to sell itself on local radio .
16 Straightforward in principle , although highly complex in technical detail , the majority of today 's desk-top fax machines rarely seek to sell themselves with seductive design ( the usual Japanese route to consumer appeal ) ; they just sit there , looking like little photocopiers or big telephones , doing what they are supposed to do .
17 How are they going to replace themselves in good time so that there will be a talent bank of experience , ready to lead ?
18 Dulwich inevitably suffers from its geographical situation four miles south of central London , and currently lacks any surplus funds to promote itself through increased advertising .
19 Leading politicians in Britain , particularly in the mid-nineteenth century Liberal Party , scorned the imperial enterprise as no more than a way of offering the unemployable aristocracy a means to enrich itself at heavy cost to the innocent .
20 As we tried to calm ourselves with sweet coffee , a Swiss traveller appeared .
21 One , keen to express himself through hard work , sees that his only choice is to ‘ better myself and pick my life up .
22 Then he would be up and about , able to apply himself to unfinished business .
23 Jenny had a very poor topographical imagination and needed to apply herself with great concentration to the task of relating the main lines of street lights to her own knowledge of the town .
24 It can give them a chance — certainly often seized by widows in the past — to assert themselves with genuine dignity and authority in the public world .
25 Adam Drabo has since become a folk hero , for the inspiration he has given to his country 's people to rid themselves of corrupt government .
26 It must not be supposed , therefore , that the desire of Protestants to dissociate themselves from Catholic Christianity automatically created a disposition in favor of free thought .
27 A situation in which speakers of a dialect , or non-standard English , are able to express themselves in Standard English in order to cope with social situations , improve their position in society , and operate successfully in the business world .
28 Your students will be prepared for each news item by structured discussion , and then helped with language and comprehension while watching ; after each item , they will practise and consolidate skills and vocabulary , through parallel reading and further exercises ; and finally they will be able to express themselves in follow-up writing tasks and communicative activities , such as making their own radio broadcast .
29 While revenue contributions inevitably increased burdens upon ratepayers , and asset sales produced a ‘ once only ’ financial benefit ( as well as being politically unpalatable to many , notably Labour-controlled , authorities ) this was the perhaps inevitable response of local authorities seeking to free themselves from centrally-imposed borrowing restrictions ( as well as the high cost of borrowing after the mid-1970s ) .
30 For it was the people of the three original founding cantons , Uri , Schwyz and Unterwalden , who took the first steps to free themselves from external domination and start what was to become an independent confederation of communities , unified in a unique fashion , which in their early years were mostly called simply the Confederates but later became known as Schweizer after the name of one of the original component areas , Schwyz .
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