Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Get into the main street , we can try to lose ourselves amongst the other cabs . ’
2 We need to put ourselves in the other person 's shoes . ’
3 Encourage her to put herself in the other person 's shoes with explanations and reasons along the lines of : ‘ How would you feel if … ? ’
4 Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other person 's shoes and see the situation from their point of view .
5 Cassie wondered hazily whether in Johnny 's book it would be considered all right to force himself on the other sort of girl , whoever she may be !
6 As I do not , as a rule , take alcohol , the one glass of sherry I had with lunch enabled me to enjoy myself with the other guests .
7 She hardly dared to draw the curtains to show herself to the other girls , though she had warned them of the horrid sight in store for them .
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