Example sentences of "[to-vb] [been] make [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 More than one treaty is known to have been made with the Burgundians , although some may not have had imperial approval .
2 Initially , some progress appeared to have been made at the Jakarta meeting when Sihanouk and Hun Sen announced that they had finally agreed on a compromise formula on the issue of the SNC chair ( Sihanouk as chair , Hun Sen as vice-chair ) .
3 If it is that the Court of Appeal should have relisted his case , then his application would have to have been made to the Commission by March 1991 .
4 The advance was to have been made during the hours of darkness and across country , keeping away from the roads and lanes .
5 The probability is that beads from English Neolithic long barrows and enclosures and described as made of shale or inferior jet came from the Kimmeridge locality in Dorset where bracelets are known to have been made during the Early Iron Age .
6 The Parish Council are very disturbed by the decisions that would appear to have been made about the sale and subsequent development of this small area of open land and more especially by the tactics used by the Land and Properties Sub-Committee and the apparent collusion with the Planning Department to keep the Parish Council , and therefore the local people , in the dark about what is going on .
7 The most cheerful remarks seemed to have been made about the health of Michael Heseltine , who was making his first appearance at the cabinet since his heart attack .
8 A Thai bronze figure of the Walking Buddha , which had been catalogued as dating from the fourteenth or fifteenth century and estimated at £25,000-£30,000 , turned out to have been made within the last 150 years .
9 The County Court Rules , Order 37 , are wide enough in their terms for the further application to have been made before the county court judge .
10 The first explicit statement in Greek literature that , although individual things are subject to change and decay , the world itself is eternal appears to have been made by the philosopher Heraclitus about 500 BC .
11 The same sort of calculation seems to have been made by the producers of both Brief History and Soul , the recent BBC2 threeparter presented by Anthony Clare .
12 From it you can walk to Itxassou 's other half , which is clustered round the church , about a kilometre away and within sight of the defile known as the Pas de Roland , an opening in the rock said to have been made by the hoofs of this luckless paladin 's horse ( but more of Roland in the appropriate place , when we come to Roncevaux ) .
13 The essentially global scope of this issue is captured by a remark reputed to have been made by the Netherlands Foreign Minister to the Foreign Minister of Brazil : ‘ If you do n't stop cutting down your forests my country will disappear . ’
14 The main issues before the Appeal Court were the authenticity of confessions said to have been made by the defendants while under detention , and the conduct of the police .
15 The first proper historical evaluation of the subject to have been made in the United States , the exhibition has been organised by curator Elizabeth Armstrong and her associate , Joan Rothfuss , and will be seen at the Whitney Museum of American Art ( 16 July-3 October ) , Chicago 's Museum of Contemporary Art ( 13 November-16 January 1994 ) , the Wexner Center for the Visual Arts , Columbus OH ( 18 February-17 April 1994 ) , the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ( 12 May-24 July 1994 ) and the Fundacio Antoni Tapies , Barcelona ( 17 November1994–12 January 1995 ) , the only European venue confirmed for this important exhibition of predominantly European material , although Armstrong told The Art Newspaper that she expects to add at least two further venues in Europe , one of which may be in London .
16 Their studies have also led to some surprising conclusions concerning chronology : Jacopo Bellini 's Paris album they have argued , contrary to most of the literature , precedes the London album , which they date to 1460–70 ; they have been able to date Paolino Veneto 's Map of Venice in the Marciana Library precisely to around 1328 , when previously it was thought to have been made in the second half of the century .
17 I REFER to Coun Groves ' letter ( HAS March 9 ) concerning the so-called inaccurate statements reputed to have been made in the Labour Party leaflet in the run-up to the Willington East by-election .
18 Despite some notable local successes , the results have , however , been disappointing : certainly little impact appears to have been made upon the laissez-faire attitude of the farmer towards his own property .
19 Many of these complaints were understood to have been made against the actions of FIS members , although precise figures were not given .
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