Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh det] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is useful to know which is the likely response to your committed attack and that is one way of finding out .
2 They could be asked to guess which was the earliest , and to give reasons for their choice .
3 That would be the only way to establish which was the shortest .
4 It is not possible , using this technique , to discover which is the semantic head in the highest construction in a simple sentence , that is to say , the subject-predicate construction .
5 Use a little star to indicate which is the asymmetric centre which kiral centre and all it means is that if you were to dra , if you had a a kiral molecule in other words , it had four different groups attached to it what it means is that it and it 's mirror image , this is the way you actually draw it and answer the questions you draw you draw it as if there was a mirror image .
6 Such brief ‘ thumb-nail ’ sketches do give some indication of the essence of sociology , but ultimately it is both necessary and perhaps more fruitful to emphasise that the most important and distinctive feature of sociology is not so much what is studied but how it is studied , i.e. it is important to indicate what is the particular perspective of sociology , its distinct way of looking at the individual and society .
7 In dealing with these situations it will help you to know what is the best care .
8 When people are ringing about their relatives in the Gulf , er they just want to know what is the latest , are they coming out , this kind of thing .
9 Having identified who has joined the church in the past year we need to know what were the main influences which caused them to make their decision .
10 It was not hard to guess what was the wrong answer .
11 In order to sustain the argument that I am putting forward here , it is important to establish what were the major arguments levelled by anthropologists and others against the ‘ great divide ’ theory .
12 The task of the research team , which also included Professor Neville Brown and Mr Takis Tridimas was firstly to establish what were the comparable legal professions in the other ten Member States ( Belgium , Denmark , France , Germany , Greece , Italy , Luxembourg , the Netherlands , Spain and Portugal ) , and then to determine their exact educational and training requirements .
13 A race held across land , on water and through the air came up with an unlikely winner , when a steamroller took on a hot air balloon and a narrow boat to see which was the fastest .
14 Which led us to wonder which is the biggest sports trophy by volume in the North-East .
15 While neither Act can be said to define what is the primary meaning of ‘ debentures , ’ both give some pointers to what , both in law and in commerce , would , for most purposes be regarded as their essential feature ; namely that debentures are a type of transferable security ( in this respect resembling shares ) whereby a company can raise finance in the form of loan capital instead of share capital .
16 For teaching purposes we would encourage lecturers to ask students to identify a number of different activities and their associated costs , and then to discuss what are the associated independent variables that drive the costs of these activities .
17 The first step in treatment is to help parents try to identify what are the good characteristics of their child .
18 for young people and if one of the things that corporations to my mind have a positive duty to do which is the social responsibility and we live in a society so increasingly fractured , rudderless and you know not so far away in places from anarchy that they have a duty to do things which effect maybe to see one the Bs not the A ones the Bs
19 Then I 'm going to do what is the proper thing to do which is chop that to size
20 In a situation where excessive wage claims and rising import prices , accompanied by an increase in monetary growth , have led to inflation , it is extremely difficult to determine which is the major cause of the inflation .
21 The transcription start sites for the P A2b and P A3 promoters analyzed by S1 mapping ( 13 ) indicated three contiguous possible start sites for each promoter that did not allow to determine which was the first nucleotide incorporated by the RNA polymerase , a problem frequently found with S1 mapping analysis .
22 In my judgment this review of the authorities demonstrates that for over 300 years the law has been clearly established that the visitor of an eleemosynary charity has an exclusive jurisdiction to determine what are the internal laws of the charity and the proper application of those laws to those within his jurisdiction .
23 But , perhaps sensing dangerous moral and political overtones , they add ( ibid. , p. 634 , quoting Taft ) : ‘ It is not the task of the criminologist to determine what is the major social good ’ .
24 When they considered social and economic factors they saw themselves as detached scientists just ‘ presenting the facts ’ and not ( as Taft ( 1942 , p. 634 ) put it ) aiming ‘ to determine what is the major social good ’ .
25 As I think you will agree when you have looked at all the evidence it may well not have been quite so simple in this case to determine what was the best for the girl , as we , looking back on events from this point in time , may think .
26 Although it is difficult to determine what was the original material from which these rocks were derived , the general consensus of opinion is that the original material was of igneous origin , with the old term orthogneiss being used to describe these rocks in the past .
27 On a small site it is important to think about the conditions and to consider what is the best way of turning to make use of a longer run on the airfield , or to avoid having to dodge obstructions .
28 We shall now have to consider what is the best approach to the subject in the light of existing circumstances .
29 In all cases doctors will need to consider what is the true scope and basis of the refusal .
30 If the doctors consider that the patient had the capacity to decide and has exercised his right to do so , they still have to consider what was the true scope and basis of that decision .
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