Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh det] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is frequent intolerance to work which has real relevance and many times I have seen images dismissed with the familiar phrase , ‘ I do n't know much about art , but I know what I like ’ .
2 People — usually women journalists — are curious to know what makes British men tick , and how they differ from other men .
3 The virtues of this procedure , which does n't lengthen but in fact shortens your investigation , are as follows : ( a ) The actual investigation is simplified , as you do n't have to keep turning back an unwieldy abstract to see which documents contained restrictions , whether the seller named in one conveyance was the buyer named in the previous deed , etc .
4 You can get help with deciding whether to explain a term by consulting a dictionary of critical terms , to see which terms other people — the dictionary 's editor , for example — have decided merit explanation .
5 Any comments will go back to OSF which has final say on whether any proposed changes are acceptable or not .
6 And belonging together , preferably in groupings with visible badges of membership and recognition signs , is more important than ever in societies in which everything combines to destroy what binds human beings together into communities .
7 The problem throughout is to identify what motivates financial participants to choose one option rather than another in pursuing the basic aims of any corporate system : to create wealth and to keep on doing so .
8 The Greater London Association for Pre-Retirement ( address on page 154 ) publishes Something Different To Do which lists unusual interests and organisations to contact all over the country .
9 If we accept , however , that as teachers it is our professional duty to bring about learning , then we are beholden to examine our methods regularly and to consider what constitutes effective teaching and learning styles .
10 The study also suggests that priority ought to be given to research which synthesises available evidence and arguments about key aspects of welfare policy , including the unit of assessment for the purposes of tax and social security , personal freedom and preventive health measures and the social responsibility for dependants .
11 If they are serious in their intentions to offer the insights in the arts to which pupils have a right , then the latter should be able to expect a well considered programme , to achieve which requires extensive teacher preparation of which INSET is a part .
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