Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] the great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The poor doctor was n't to know that the great piece of bone sticking out was supplied by the local butcher . ’
2 It is unsurprising , therefore , to find that the great majority of training about disruption places the problems firmly within the child , their family , their background , their learning difficulties .
3 It was a touch disappointing to find that the great Wilson of the Wizard was not there .
4 Kent was the major producer and consumer of gold jewellery and it is not surprising to find that the greatest number of coins is found there also , often mounted on suspension loops and worn on necklaces .
5 They , in turn , join him in cheerful conspiracy to see that the great cathedral list of France is constantly and step-by-step updated .
6 He goes on to state that the great coat charity is alive and is charged to Holborough Court Estate and was paid until his death by William Lee Esq .
7 There is clearly refutable evidence to suggest that the great majority , as many as seventy five percent , of all such cases are not genuine .
8 In fact , many years ago I was rash enough to suggest that the great Ankara melange itself ( humorously called by the locals turlu guvec — a Turkish version of Lancashire hotpot ) might be an Argille scagliose type of deposit .
9 The adventurers might have to find some information in Castle Drachenfels to enable them to track down the location of Ghal-Maraz , or they might have to ensure that the Great Enchanter remains safely dead and does n't enter the fray .
10 Moreover in the years 1176–7 he was taking a keen interest in the competing politics of the Spanish kingdoms and he may well have instructed Richard to ensure that the great road south from Bordeaux to the Pyrenees was kept open for travellers of all sorts , pilgrims , traders and couriers .
11 The selection of the lead cases was aimed to ensure that the great majority of the very important points of law which are at issue in all cases are authoritatively decided , and it is hoped that , as a result , clear guidance will be given to the large number of remaining cases which are stayed , leading to settlements ( or at least the elimination of some issues common to the lead cases ) and the avoidance of a multiplicity of litigation .
12 Apart from the 1 per cent who have their own private supplies , the great majority of the UK population rely upon the decisions of the water suppliers to ensure that the great bulk of the water we drink and cook with is ‘ wholesome ’ .
13 Soviet cases with political implications were given a great deal of publicity in the West , but there is little reason to believe that the great majority of cases in the Soviet Union were dealt with any less fairly than elsewhere .
14 There is a strong anti-intellectual element in the present government which appears to believe that the greatest achievement is making money as fast as possible .
15 Like many observers , UK leaders failed to appreciate that the greatest potential for post-war expansion lay in the trade of industrial goods between industrialized countries .
16 It is fair to say that the greatest violators of human rights across the world are terrorists , but I stressed the fact that it was important for the Government of India to be more open in dealing with the accusations .
17 The pros and cons of this theory are the subject of much contentious debate by experts , but it would probably be correct to say that the greater number of specialists believe that at least the more bipedal of the dinosaurs , including small and large carnivores , were warm-blooded , active animals .
18 One day a messenger came from the great city more than half a day 's journey away across the river , to say that the great king had decided that he would like to have a wife .
19 The Empire is crumbling into civil war , Daemons are popping up on all sides , and who 's to say that the Great Enchanter does n't have a hand in it somewhere ?
20 It is almost a truism to say that the great danger for Christians is to become settlers and no longer to do anything that requires any risk .
21 In answer to one question he said " I might read extracts to show that the great majority of those who left Oa went entirely of their own free will . "
22 I 'm beginning to feel that the greatest threat to canoeists are other canoeists which is extremely sad and reflects the pressure on the BCU to resolve the problems associated with river access before we all end up squabbling .
23 In passing , it is interesting to note that the great stimulus to user education in universities and polytechnics in the UK was also the project method of teaching , and that most of the best programmes in these sectors are still linked to this part of the student 's course .
24 In terms of guilloche , it is also interesting to note that the Great Witcombe mosaic combines the two : simple guilloche for the axes of the grid , and a three-strand guilloche for its border .
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