Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] all [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I know but it 's just when she 's sort of having to sit down all the time .
2 However , in Blyth v Bloomsbury Health Authority ( 1987 ) , the Court of Appeal said there was no duty to pass on all the information available to the hospital .
3 Forthcoming innovations from PC World include a networking department where customers can see products demonstrated and receive advice , and a department for the first-time user who wants direct advice without having to wander along all the shelves .
4 She then tested his creativity by asking him to write down all the things he could do with various objects such as a brick or a shoe , and all the things that would happen if certain events suddenly occurred , such as everyone in the world losing their sight or having to walk on all fours .
5 A first step in dealing with unwanted stress could be to write down all the factors which you think may be causing undue stress in your life at present .
6 Participants listened to the story read at an even pace of around 120 words per minute and had to write down all the errors they could detect as they heard them or insert the missing word .
7 Gon na ask you to do an exercise now er it 'll it 'll take us to four o'clock before we start talking about assertiveness what I 'm gon na ask you to do is in one , two three , one two in two twos and a three I want you to put on paper one side one sheet of paper to sum up all the things we 've done about communication so far today and it 's going to other people on this course , and it 's going to be marked by one of them on this course .
8 Progressive rock was OVER-CONCEPTUAL made risible attempts to sum up all the riddles of existence on a single ( or triple ) LP , extended these pompous didactic ambitions on to the stage with all manner of theatrical set pieces .
9 Then he took a pencil and paper and started to tot up all the monies he presently held against the expenses he had .
10 At the end of the … or … you will need to total up all the amounts spent during that period .
11 successful showcases can create substantial industry interest in a band , but if you are going to pull out all the stops , you have to spend a lot of money with no guarantee of a positive result .
12 el2 With shutdowns and redundancies already hitting British Aerospace , Mr Major is determined to pull out all the stops to save the £22 billion project .
13 Microsoft Corp is going to pull out all the stops this week at Windows World , its launch pad for the infamous Windows NT operating system .
14 A production person never knows when he will be asking a supplier to pull out all the stops and finish a job in a matter of hours .
15 One person said : ‘ Many clients thought they 'd get a slightly better deal through having a blind social worker because they thought I was having to pull out all the stops to prove that I was good and therefore they would get a spin-off . ’
16 One of the first tasks for the trust could be to restore the organ , But with a Governent grant of just £20,000 to look after three other chapels , they 'll have to pull out all the stops to raise the money .
17 DURHAM , who narrowly escaped defeat by Cumbria in their opening match of the season , will need to pull out all the stops when they travel to Strensall for their game against Yorkshire on Saturday .
18 The deadline was tight and Thatcher 's production team at Florence , Kentucky , had to pull out all the stops to meet it .
19 The best thing would be for you to write out all the harmonies , in every key , making sure that you put in all the correct sharps and flats .
20 The number is so large that the entire age of the universe so far is too short a time to write out all the noughts !
21 The physics baffles me , the philosophy bores me — but I know that I would take about seven years for me to write out all the digits in a statement of the odds against encountering another ship in Highlight .
22 If I write one digit per second , how long will it take me to write out all the numbers from 1 up to 1991 ?
23 He wondered what had brought Corbett north ; he had tried to find out all the way to Tynemouth but Corbett remained taciturn , so Ranulf became sullen .
24 Each strategy will be given its own management team , which will be expected to work out all the effects over the whole company , including estimates of resource requirements for each subsidiary business .
25 ‘ I 'm not a big one for trying to work out all the results — there 's no point as you only end up kidding yourself .
26 And it is partly a matter of knowing where to find help : how to find examples and how to work out all the possibilities of a classification .
27 ‘ It 's awful having to creep around all the time . ’
28 That 's how they used to work around all the time .
29 It is therefore necessary to clean down all the timbers before spraying .
30 WIMBLEDON owner Sam Hammam last night warned that he is ready to sell off ALL the club 's top players .
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