Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] with [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Contrary to her firm intention of not breakfasting with Ven , however , since he was standing by the table which was set for two when she again entered the sitting-room , she thought it would be infantile in the extreme to carry on with that intention .
2 ‘ I applaud Myra 's loyalty , but it 's stupid to carry on with this charade of twins . ’
3 ‘ And try to carry on with this truce ? ’
4 So , with Sheringham still unfit , Cascarino will have to soldier on with inexperienced support .
5 Am I made to go on with this relationship .
6 They tell you to go on with artificial respiration for ever , for long after you 've given up hope .
7 shareholding in National Power and PowerGen and instruct the chief executives to sit down with British Coal and negotiate a mutually beneficial contract from 1993 .
8 The ARFU 's decision has still yet to sink in with many rugby traditionalists but Channel Ten displayed instant commitment to their new deal when they televised the tickertape parade live throughout Australia .
9 The GLCABS basic training structure described in detail earlier , allows the trainee to sit in with experienced advice workers to observe their techniques .
10 Rory did , but Rory was immensely happy to wait for her , to go along with any whim .
11 The United Kingdom 's negotiators must alter the attitude with which they have approached the question of integration to date : considering as ‘ victories ’ what are at best delays in the advance of Federalism , and being willing , at the last , to go along with any formula of political union as an alternative to being ‘ relegated ’ to an ‘ outer tier ’ of the EEC .
12 Stotland ( 1977 ) drew a portrait of the executive 's motives for being prepared to go along with corporate crime .
13 refused to fall in with this idea , saying in Dobson v. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Plc .
14 I have still not managed to find another young horse to come on with young Basil .
15 Homoeopathy also differs from the orthodox approach in that it concentrates on the body 's own inherent ability to heal itself and aims to work along with this ability , to enhance it where necessary , to seek out the basic underlying causes of an illness and to effect where possible a permanent cure .
16 However , we believe that those who are determined to understand a phenomenon and to follow their research and their intuition wherever they may lead , are on the balance of probabilities , perhaps more likely to come up with new knowledge than those who are trying to solve a narrowly defined problem or to develop a product .
17 Since this is a theoretical chapter it is difficult to come up with practical work .
18 The job of the providers is to come up with best combination of service and cost .
19 They do n't want me paying d you know like their pension deferred , so if you 're serious about the fu pension fund managers paying , we 're talking y you know earlier you said four hundred and eighty million whatever it is lost , they 're paying a third , pension fund managers have got to come up with that sort of sum .
20 Washington declined his invitation to keep its troops on the island and disappointed Blaize by failing to come up with promised investment to reduce huge unemployment .
21 The move came as a sign of frustration by Britain and Hong Kong over the way China has protested about the proposals since they were announced last October — but has failed to come up with any alternative ahead of elections already scheduled for 1995 .
22 Yes , it 's Christmas time and once again ACCOUNTANCYis looking for the wits among you to come up with this year 's Christmas cartoon caption .
23 It 's taken me quite a while to come up with this team and i 'm sure i 've missed some absolute wankers out , but here goes .
24 He accepts it 's extremely difficult to come up with conclusive evidence that violent films cause violent behaviour , but that a series of studies in America 20 years ago suggested it was a factor .
25 This left it to Mr , to come up with sufficient information to enable that decision to be made .
26 The US Supreme Court has repealed the section of the 1985 nuclear waste federal law which compels states to find disposal sites for low-level radioactive waste if they have failed to come up with another solution by 1996 .
27 The problem I think comes when you go when you become insolvent , you know , and I think that 's and so therefore unless we 're going to come up with some system where we do insure our pensions as we do our home , then you , you , you 're still back to the basic contract between a company and an individual .
28 Unless the Government is prepared to come up with some cash there is a real danger that the Dearing vision will be blinded by the dust which the report is rapidly gathering .
29 this idea pettiness you know , but you 're just waiting while they get their load done , to come up with some suggestion .
30 What we have to do is to come up with some set of criteria which relate to the relative value we are prepared , if pressed , to attribute to a particular form of special treatment .
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