Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [conj] look at " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I have n't brought the modular things I mentioned to you on the phone the other day but I think it would be very useful to sit down and look at structuring that
2 I mean , I was gon na let you have them next week , but if you 'd like some to sit down and look at erm I 'll find my things if I can .
3 ‘ Would you like to go down and look at the inscriptions on the slabs ? ’
4 These schemes , then , can be summarized under the following heads : we run residency and award schemes , we run grants to artists and craftsmen and photographers , we run an artists in school scheme , which involves placement of and artist for two weeks or so in a local secondary school , we offer payments to artists for exhibiting in certain galleries , something akin to the public lending right , we also provide assistance for the purchase and commissioning of contemporary work , and finally we run an artists ' register , which is a slide register of work of artists within the region , which is accessible to anyone who wants to come along and look at it , whether they are organizing an exhibition or thinking of commissioning a piece for their own living rooms , or perhaps a piece for their town hall or public library or whatever .
5 ‘ Our man in Houston told me to come down and look at it [ epoflex ] in a hurry or it will be gone , ’ said Joseph Raska , materials and test paint engineer for the Texas Department of Highways .
6 Part-ex and all the rest of it , did the deal , negotiated , and said right what we want to do , is Saturday morning , she thinks she 's going to come down and look at a decent second-hand one , and I want you to take the part , take the brand new car off and all the rest of it , and then say take that one for a test drive , which is mine , all taxed up and gassed up and all the rest of it , and we 'll disappear in the moonlight .
7 Even though critics may not be as learned as their art-historical colleagues , there is no good reason for their practised eyes to cloud over when looking at art of other periods .
8 One clearly libidinous writer gives thanks for my providing him with a far from platitudinous substitute for an invitation to come up and look at etchings .
9 It is the perfect time to stand back and look at how the beauty of nature can enhance your surroundings .
10 So when we actually got out there , we go out to work in some capacity or another , either to carry out a survey of the logistics or perhaps to sort out and look at the way in which one can set up an immunisation programme in a refugee camp .
11 It turns out the inventor by then had come to the conclusion that ‘ I really ought to go off and look at something else now . ’
12 Ah but what it means , I 've got to walk around and look at it this and look at it that !
13 Yeah ours is in airing , you 've got to bend down and look at it to see if light 's on .
14 And they called us to go out and look at them .
15 ’ At night we like to sit out and look at the views of the valley with a glass of wine .
16 It 'll be necessary for all of us to go back and look at those very very carefully and to think to what extent they address the kinds of problems that we can actually see developing , the kinds of things which we are fighting our way away from in the statutory services and yet might find that they are growing in an uncontrolled way in the development of the private sector .
17 Ar , now I forgot what I was going to say , so I 'll have to go back and look at my piece of paper now .
18 So all I 'm saying is , if we 're not achieving that we need to go back and look at the way in which we 're operating the fax service , have a chat with erm Phil 's people or Jackie 's peo see if there 's any differences that we can take advantage of .
19 If you get a firm that 's doing big removals , inside the cost of that is the cost of an estimator to go around and look at half the jobs he 's not going to get .
20 It is a salutary exercise to turn around and look at the Fifties and the Cold War from the East instead of the West .
21 ‘ And I would ask you , Mr Stevens , to turn around and look at that Chinaman . ’
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