Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Under the new policy , anyone working on the twelfth floor will need to go down to the first floor to clock out , to the fourth floor to find a smoking room , down to the first to clock on again and back to the twelfth to carry on working .
2 It was only when Cairo confirmed their names and service numbers that they were given the honoured status of the first Eighth Army troops to meet up with the First Army .
3 His solution was to come up with the first table of annual premiums based on life expectancy .
4 To catch up with the first part of the competition , the August issue can be obtained from our Back Issues Service , see p51 .
5 The Report was intended as a review , giving a complete survey ( according to its prospectus ) of Chemistry and its Allied Sciences ; it was to come out in the first half of the year following that reviewed ; and it would give a faithful and ‘ whenever necessary , a complete digest of each investigation ’ in chemistry , and its applications in pharmacy , arts and manufactures .
6 I have n't got enough background information ’ ; ‘ I 've got to find out about the First World War , and I 'm not sure how to begin . ’
7 Erm but to come back to the first criterion which says avoid the greenbelt , I know exactly what you mean when you say avoid the greenbelt , but if in the context of the wording before that where it says to be located beyond the outer boundary of the York greenbelt , do you need to have criterion one ?
8 Where an applicant voluntarily left accommodation but had then acquired temporary accommodation , the courts interpreted the legislation so as to entitle the local authority to relate back to the first accommodation and so to find that he was intentionally homeless .
9 It 's important not to lose your security of tenure in council accommodation — which is so hard to come by in the first place — by making yourself " voluntarily homeless ' .
10 And this is a ph , like a photocopy , so what you 'll have is a nice printed version with Abbey Life blue , purely for you to get a feel of if you like , , and in this , we 're very quickly going to go through on the first sheet it will have activity and production and it will have your data there .
11 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
12 If he managed to win through in the first round , there is now a second round of contests to be staged , followed by the final round later in the year .
13 We have to look back to the first quarter of 1988 to see a time when construction output was so low .
14 In the following example from the organ pedal melody of the Entrée in Messiaen 's Messe de la Pentecôte , only four pitches are used , yet the composer reshapes the rhythms and note-orders so skilfully that there is no feeling of repetitiousness or monotony : In Example 17 , from the slow movement of Bartók 's Fourth String Quartet , we have a wonderfully sweeping melody which seems to grow out of the first bar .
15 This , the biggest single enclave in Sussex , not only demonstrates the continued dependence of the prototype works at Newbridge on immigrant workmen , but also implies that there had been no great pool of indigenous labour to draw on in the first place .
16 I asked Danny ( Knight ) to put down at the first chance after crossing back over the Channel , and he did ’ .
17 Countries opting for soft membership would have to put up with the first , and find substitutes for the second — for instance , by setting ( and hitting ) targets for money-GDP , using both fiscal and monetary policies .
18 He was the seventh seed in the men 's championship to go out in the first two rounds , a record for early exits at the tournament .
19 He was the seventh seed in the men 's championship to go out in the first two rounds , a record for early exits at the tournament .
20 We have to go back to the first quarter of 1986 to see such a low figure for construction output per person in the past decade .
21 On some mornings the ducks on Three Island Pond would take off in great arcing flights against the sun , round and behind the Cages and out of sight , round again and behind the distant trees and then suddenly back again as if it had all been a mistake and they had never meant to fly off in the first place .
22 To try and reduce the potential for stress to build up in the first place .
23 If these turn out to be major then it 's often better to re-scan the picture for the new dimensions than to mess about with the first version .
24 It was also based on the even worse assumption that the actual level of income support in April 1990 was sufficient for people to live on in the first place .
25 for learning to gallop on in the first size
26 This was obviously the pigeons ' favourite delicacy : at the sight of the tin can , the pigeons leapt in the air and fluttered above us waiting to dive down on the first grains ; others landed flirtatiously on Fardine 's arms and shoulders .
27 This piece of information caused Makins to slow down for the first time and look at me more carefully .
28 Having driven thirty miles and for fifty minutes , he is forced to slow down for the first time .
29 Instead , people learn to back off at the first sign that somebody might disapprove .
30 John Payne says the ambition now is to get back into the first division
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