Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Trial judges are not required to grant certificates where the conditions are met ; they simply have power to grant certificates .
2 It is one thing to demand efficiency and the just use of public resources ; it is quite another to impose conditions where the universities can not provide what the nation requires .
3 In other words , we can not show a recurrent semantic contrast , although it is , of course , possible to find sentences where the substitution of forms can be made without a recurrence of the semantic contrast :
4 ‘ Corporate is willing to trust divisions when the going is smooth , but not when it 's rough . ’
5 If Japan resigns from the IWC and refuses to catch whales sensibly the United States might conceivably impose a trade embargo .
6 During the preparation of the proposal , key members of staff are encouraged to visit schools where the project is already in action in order to gain ideas and learn from the experience of others .
7 The company needed to reach mothers when the baby was born and again when baby was nine months to reinforce the importance of correct fitting shoes and to push her into a Better Shoe stockist .
8 er Abraham Lincoln actually supported a constitutional amendment which would guarantee the right of people to own slaves so the idea of Lincoln the great emancipator and friend of black people , it needs to be corrected slightly .
9 At school he had been enthusiastic but undistinguished , and after it he had found himself in a polytechnic in the Midlands , in the state of paralysis of the imagination that tends to grip adolescents when the time for choosing a career looms .
10 I was critical of the plans of the Burma Educational Service and government advisers to absorb Judson into the one system , and I hoped that through Judson Western members of staff might be able to continue to serve students when the process of Burmanising the University inevitably took place .
11 This approach is designed to cover cases where the bulk of the special damages comprises separate items of loss ( eg weekly wages ) occurring fairly regularly throughout the period from accident to trial .
12 To obtain the best value for money , accident data are analysed to identify sites where the number of accidents appear to be high .
13 It is better to exclude the guarantor as one of the parties to the lease to avoid problems where the lease contains reference to " the consent of the parties " thereby including the guarantor .
14 At the start of the season sufferers usually begin to experience problems when the pollen count reaches 50 .
15 They had ordered the plane to fly to Australia , but had offered to free passengers once the aircraft was refuelled .
16 Of course one wants to avoid situations where the conflict reaches excessive levels and actually gets in the way of running the business , but if the right decisions are to be taken it is essential that conflicting views are heard and thrashed out .
17 Most importantly , we need to avoid situations where the horse is likely to express its aggression towards us , at least until the horse has learnt to respect and like us to some extent .
18 Indecent assault is not designed to cover situations where the penis has entered the vagina , although it does appear to be used sometimes even where this has occurred .
19 I have asked them to avoid weekends when the Village Hall has Antiques Fairs booked .
20 It 's nice to win races when the world is watching on Grade One tracks . ’
21 But you 're teaching them how to evade questions when the TV reporter needs an answer .
22 Though not exclusive to the Cotswolds , this scaling down is regular enough to give labourers there the appearance of modest prosperity , with sub-£2 assessments hardly rising above 35 per cent anywhere ; Brightwells Barrow hundred closely resembled the contiguous ( and mainly pastoral ) Berkshire hundred of Shrivenham , which contrasted strongly with the arable parts of Berkshire situated to the east of it .
23 But such a procedure would simply have led to the conclusion that the investigator had failed to elicit environments where the variable could be studied , and would miss the point that speakers were in fact making use of an entirely different range of choices to express stylistic differences .
24 Bank management is extremely slow to give increases when the Bank is doing very well .
25 Therefore , to catch the accused the appropriation must be read as a continuing act to include situations where the taking is not by force but there is a struggle afterwards .
26 There do not appear to be any significant decisions on the word " technical " , but it is not difficult to contemplate circumstances where the purchaser may wish to absorb his purchase into an existing business which operates with different technology .
27 We now need to consider margins where the movement is predominantly transform and plates meet along transform faults rather than at subduction zones or along collision boundaries .
28 They are less likely to solve problems when the structure , not just the chemical function , of an organ needs to be provided .
29 The court therefore has the power to apportion damages where the plaintiff has been partly to blame for the harm suffered .
30 It is silly to exaggerate differences when the similarities are also significant .
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