Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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61 The decoy system was once used to provide birds for the table .
62 The Communist leaders were desperately trying to establish contacts with the rest of the labour movement , despite their continued adherence to the " social fascist " line .
63 He was particularly keen to establish contacts between the college and what was happening elsewhere in post-war Britain .
64 This was used to infer values of the Census variables for households which never returned a form .
65 The government published on June 30 , 1989 , the Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Bill , the principal purpose of which was to tighten definitions of the practice of insider dealing and to introduce new penalties .
66 So , from their viewpoint , management 's job is to use the factors at its disposal to provide returns to the shareholders , but also to provide returns to employees .
67 The first meeting is to be held within two weeks , to finalise activities for the remainder of 1993 .
68 The point I am labouring at such length is that there is a large and complicated repertoire of non-verbal behaviour without which it is impossible to communicate meanings through the medium of spoken words and although it is tempting to regard this non-lexical repertoire as something which can be painlessly removed without any significant loss of meaning , the experience of reconstructing talk from a medium in which the representation of this aspect of speech is so poor is a salutary reminder of its importance .
69 It boosted annual net dividends by 36.5 per cent to compensate shareholders for the Chancellor 's tax change .
70 In response to the injunction , residents of Barnahely maintained their 24-hour watch on the site and members of the picket refused to accept copies of the injunction issued against them .
71 Pre-dating the National Health Service by over thirty years , in 1916 the Venereal Disease Regulations were passed instructing all local health authorities to provide clinics for the diagnosis and treatment of the venereal diseases .
72 The decision by the Swedish authorities to restart operations at the plant , which had been closed down in September because of a flaw in the emergency cooling system [ see ED 63 ] , has been strongly criticized in Denmark .
73 Since it is virtually impossible to obtain cultures for the gonococcus , the chances of making the correct diagnosis are considerably reduced .
74 They had their work cut out in simply trying to provide defences against the incursions of cattle raiders from the North Tyne valley , over Bewcastle Waste , or through that tract of the western fringe so unsure of its ownership that it was known as the Debatable Land ; and their own people were themselves frequently as unruly as their enemies .
75 In " Beginnings , middles , and ends " Nash seeks to establish patterns in the writing of popfiction stories concerning plot development and characterisation .
76 It is a matter of deep regret that the Department of Social Security failed to provide copies of the instruments in time for the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments to consider them and report to the House .
77 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
78 The purpose was to use the brand name and , more importantly , the distribution network to increase exports from the Manaus EPZ ( Lall , 1983 ) .
79 By 1800 , Nez Perce buffalo-hunting expeditions to the Yellowstone had become too dangerous , and five years later a council in the Kamiah valley resolved to obtain firearms for the tribe .
80 Clean drinking water is supplied and this is as important as a varied diet to encourage birds to the garden .
81 Already , a number of lawyers , employers and medical researchers from the US , Europe and Britain have been telephoning Australia to find out more about the judgment and to request copies of the ruling .
82 Sheringham finally completed his move from Nottingham Forest yesterday and will be out to provide Spurs with the firepower that has been missing since Gary Lineker left .
83 Originally the Housing Bill allowed the Secretary of State to impose HATs against the wishes of tenants who simply had the right to be informed , but the opposition to this proposal was widespread and sustained .
84 The bulk of writing about academic disciplines is , however , specific to each discipline , and there are relatively few examples of attempts to extract generalities about the nature of the academic or the nature of disciplines .
85 There is no Building Control requirement to provide toilets for the public , but if they are provided , then at least one must be suitable for use by the disabled .
86 I would like help from those who have taken on responsibility to inform groups of the changes and want to find out where they found materials which were user friendly .
87 They particularly wanted to obtain copies of the prospecting licences to see what conditions were attached .
88 The trainee , who wishes to remain anonymous , said : ‘ I had hoped to obtain copies of the results of the survey and a sample questionnaire .
89 A Steamship Owners ' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association had been formed as early as 1874 which later became part of a North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association , and as early as 1878 shipowners of the north-east were complaining of the " tyrannical " attempts of a " dictatorial body of unionists " ' to impose demands on the industry , establishing in 1885 a Central Association of Shipowners of Sunderland , Glasgow and Newcastle to put their views to the Royal Commission of 1886 on Chamberlain 's proposed Shipping Bill .
90 The championships were organised with the Variety Club of Great Britain which gave competitors a chance to meet kids from the BBC 's Byker Grove .
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