Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are to report direct to your strike-team leader , Nils Borden , in the Spiderglass Hotel in Vienna , Earth .
2 And he is really responsible for bringing the three , because they deemed us a worthy cause when they saw er the work that we were doing , to perform free for us that evening in order to boost our funds .
3 Although fewer than one in 10 identified another family member as unable to work due to their cystic fibrosis , the employment rate among mothers of adults with cystic fibrosis is less than that expected in women aged 45–60 .
4 what all pupils need to know contrasted with what some choose to learn .
5 He showered her with kisses , and time seemed to stand still for them both , until at last he said reluctantly , ‘ It 's no use .
6 ‘ Hank , ’ she reminded him , her anxiety to know apparent in her rapt attention .
7 ‘ He 's going to tell you to go easy on his old buddy . ’
8 Threatening phone bills are quite common in this house , but in the last few days abusive calls have become popular , with an unknown voice offering to dismember certain of my vital organs unless I quit the manager 's job .
9 The general impression of Massalia in ancient sources is of a city which had decided to remain unchanged in its archaic Hellenic shape .
10 During Mr John Major 's brief tenure he was made to look foolish on his one co-starring trip — the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur — by the Prime Minister 's repudiation of the South African statement he had negotiated .
11 During Mr John Major 's brief tenure he was made to look foolish on his one co-starring trip — the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur — by the Prime Minister 's repudiation of the South African statement he had negotiated .
12 Would it piss you off to grow old on your own ?
13 Max Jacob was homosexual , trying desperately to look distinguished in his top hat , evening dress , spats and monocle , whilst Modi 's affairs with women were known all over the quarter .
14 He grabbed her , reaching over to where she sat at the end of the sofa , turning her roughly by the arm so that she had to face him , had to look deep into his angry , ice-blue eyes .
15 But their colouring was identical ; white skin , black hair , eyes dark enough to look black beneath our artificial stars .
16 But he does come rather near making the rather empty point that it must be wrong to identify good with anything different from itself .
17 Due to popular demand , here is another chance to look great in our exclusive Clothes Show casual gear .
18 Among a heap of mundane weaponry — a two-handed flail , spare sword and scabbard , two throwing axes , crossbow , 2 quivers each of 24 crossbow bolts , and a repeating crossbow — the first chest has a complete suit of Plate Armour +1 which the Chaos Warrior is no longer able to use due to his mutated form .
19 ( 4 ) Certain consequences will ensue if the managers choose to leave early of their own volition .
20 But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to accomplish their communicative purpose .
21 Autistic children are difficult to understand due to their complete individuality ; unlike Down 's people , they do not have any common physical characteristics which place them apart from other people ; they are often very attractive looking children .
22 The black furry coat with which it was born and which helped it to keep warm during its first days is now sloughed off , revealing the shorter shiny coat which is more suitable for a swimmer .
23 They hopped from one foot to another to keep warm in their baggy knickers .
24 He was sentenced to another month in prison to run consecutive to his current term of detention .
25 He was jailed for two and a half years , to run consecutive to his present term , which means he has been sentenced to 21 years since 1973 .
26 [ more calmly ] I am now convinced that nothing but religious considerations and a resolution to watch over the very first appearances of evil can be of sufficient weight to keep steady to his good purpose a vain young man .
27 Our colonizing ancestors could not deny ( although some attempted to ) that they were dealing with representatives , however imperfect , of a single human species — Homo sapiens ; but they could assert that the tenuous affinities they were prepared to recognize lay with their own most remote and primitive forebears .
28 Given that the vast majority of workers — labourers in particular — had to live close to their actual or potential place of employment , the social composition of the locality reflected its industry .
29 According to the former , English studies was seen as failing to hold true to its proper identity as an educational principle and cultured force .
30 If you play 300 gigs a year for ten years with the same stuff , it 's really hard to get used to something different .
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