Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 And , if you treat this toxin with something like formaldehyde or ethanol , you end up by inactivating it 's toxic properties and you end up with what , what we call a toxoid , something that retains immunological properties , it 's able to stimulate specific immunity to the toxin but it does n't have any of the toxic effects and we end up with this toxoid vaccine against diphtheria .
2 Furthermore , the shareholders as the principal were entitled to issue specific instructions to the directors which as agents they were obliged to implement .
3 The conference will be held as part of the European summit in Rome next December and the aim will be to agree far-reaching changes to the Community 's constitution to achieve Economic Monetary Union ( EMU ) as soon as possible after 1992 .
4 If it is difficult to restore economic vitality to the worst-hit redundant areas , it has nonetheless been argued , since the Hunt Report ( Department of Economic Affairs , 1969 ) on ‘ Intermediate Areas ’ , that the growth needs and potential of ‘ grey areas ’ were bypassed by policy .
5 It was always a Russian ( and later a Soviet ) ambition , for instance , to acquire warm-water ports to the south , and to develop a network of client states in Eastern Europe to strengthen the country 's defences against the other continental powers .
6 Bem ( 1979b , 1983 ) tries to impart social validity to the cognitive approach ; but she still relies on a cognitive concept , that of the schema , to explain how gender relations become an integral part of subjectivity .
7 The revenues from North sea oil and privatisations helped this Government to restore public finances to the kind of good shape that those of few other countries are in .
8 To promote direct access to the policy-making , advisory and legislative bodies of the Community and to provide accurate information about developments within the Community with particular relevance to the Province .
9 Similarly , Marshall Sahlins 's work on the Hawaiian islanders in his Islands of History , though far more acutely aware of contending multiple narratives trying to ascribe different significances to the same happenings , is also organised so that it allows Sahlins to present a narrative wherein conflicting stories/histories are mapped out in a framework which explores these histories ' interpenetrations , their assimilations of each other rather than their refusals of each other .
10 It has been a focal point in philosophies attempting to relate subjective experience to the objectivity of the body .
11 It marked the first occasion on which the UK had taken steps to grant political asylum to a refugee from another Western country .
12 The second reason for spelling out the approach is to highlight the limitations in current attempts to relate computational models to the actual operations of the visual system .
13 It was in that House that he scored his greatest triumph for the cause of deaf people by persuading the Labour Government of Attlee that to provide free spectacles to the partially-sighted , free dentures to those whose teeth had rotted , free artificial limbs to the disabled , but to actually charge the sum of £10 to deaf people for National Health hearing-aids was blatant discrimination !
14 An iconoclast such as Anderson could never have settled into directing films about mummies , werewolves and vampires , and Hammer was too much a market-led company to encourage fresh approaches to the monstrous .
15 The combined effects of the new central grant and the business rate seem likely to benefit suburban areas to the detriment of the urban cores ( Huhne , 1988 ) .
16 On Nov. 15 the Senate approved by 91 votes to two , and Bush signed into law , a compromise agreement to provide extended benefits to an estimated 3,000,000 unemployed workers .
17 Care Assistants are employed to provide direct support to the residents with such matters as toileting , dressing , washing and so on , supervised by a Senior Care Assistant .
18 The study of English seemed to provide direct access to an apparently historical but in fact imaginary world in which a uniform English national character was fully harmonized with unique individual diversity and independence .
19 Many European governments , such as France and the United Kingdom , failed either to provide adequate answers to the public 's urgent questions or to introduce precautionary measures quickly enough .
20 Voice of Lebanon also reported that Egypt and Libya had agreed to provide light weaponry to the Lebanese gendarmerie , but had refused to contribute weapons to the Army .
21 Given the resource implications facing traditional archives in their attempt to provide archival coverage to the electronically produced records outlined above , there is a real danger in reinventing the wheel , or worse still , several wheels .
22 I put him on notice that we shall ask him what he has done to provide extra resources to the prison service .
23 It needs to be sharp , of course , since you will use that to clear away surface vegetation and for cutting a route into a hedgerow to obtain easy access to the mouth of a burrow .
24 Whilst experience of handling data from biological experiments is desirable , an ability to learn a new area of science and to communicate quantitative ideas to a general scientific audience is essential .
25 Nevertheless , while the statute was taking shape the nobility were able to reduce the quantity and quality of land in peasant hands and to extract limited amendments to the legislative proposals .
26 The map of Chelsea Physic Garden , engraved by John Haynes in 1751 , clearly shows a gap for a small gate in the north-east corner of the garden wall to provide easy access to the gardener 's home , the main gate being on the river frontage .
27 A series of peripheral boulevards was begun , though not finished before 1870 , which were designed to provide easy access to the central area at the desired point of entry .
28 China was admitted as an observer , but a final decision on whether to grant similar status to the former Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia was postponed until the September NAM summit in Jakarta .
29 In terms of an element in their appeal antislavery reformers saw this line of argument as an effort to exploit the material interests of public and policy-makers and even slave-owners and therefore a second order argument only , despite their ability to relate liberal economics to a conception of the natural order of things .
30 It is recommended that hose-reels should be provided when appropriate and sited so as to be able to be deployed effectively on the lower levels of all racked or stacked materials and to provide consistent cover to the floor area of the building .
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