Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of making such orders is to enable public bodies to carry out their function , e.g. the building of highways , etc .
2 The role of adult education , in this respect , is therefore twofold : to provide leisure or recreational courses to enable unemployed people to fill in their increased ‘ leisure hours ’ with personally satisfying ( but cheap ) activities ; and to ensure that in a variety of ways unemployed people are ‘ reintegrated ’ into society , brought within the norms of the dominant culture , and protected from deviant modes of thought and behaviour .
3 To encourage rich men to bring out poor settlers like this , a ‘ head right ’ system was used to give land -50 acres a head in the case of Virginia — to the landowner for each immigrant he had brought across the Atlantic .
4 It was agreed that ( i ) a system of proportional representation in the Assembly of the Republic ( legislature ) would be adopted ; ( ii ) legislative and presidential elections would be held simultaneously within one year of the signing of a ceasefire accord , although this deadline could be extended ; ( iii ) presidential candidates would be at least 35 years old and their candidacies supported by a minimum of 10,000 signatures ; ( iv ) the minimum voting age and that for the representatives in the Assembly would be 25 years , although there was an expectation that these would be reduced to 18 years after the first set of elections ; ( v ) a National Electoral Commission , one-third of whose members would be appointed by the MNR , would organize the electoral process , determining for example the number of seats per region ; and ( vi ) the government would assist the MNR to secure appropriate facilities to carry out its political work in at least every provincial capital .
5 The government 's policy paper contained provisions for state-aided settlement schemes to encourage black farmers to set up on 485,000 hectares of government land .
6 This means that you do not have to minimize current applications to open up another one .
7 However , the inequalities in higher education have rarely been the subject of close and critical attention ; far from arguing that higher education serves to reproduce inequalities , commentators ( e.g. Wolpe 1977 ) have argued merely that higher education functions to train middle-class students to take up positions of status and responsibility in society , such as civil servants , managers , teachers and doctors .
8 ‘ We have achieved our two objectives — to encourage young chefs to look out for and use British ingredients in their recipes , and also to find a delicious selection of dishes to use in the British menu promotion later this year . ’
9 Specifically , it urged Western business to provide financial incentives to bring about the introduction of the market economy in the region .
10 Females hatch from eggs in the spring and then fly away to find new plants to feed on .
11 They went to Zliten and spent the night in a guestroom ; in the morning the Zliten boy asked to borrow the vehicle for a few moments , drove it away , smashed it and abandoned both the vehicle and his Zuwayi friend who had to find other means to get back to Benghazi .
12 As Brian Harrison has pointed out , the peculiar nature of the problem as conceived by the moral reformers — as an individual moral failing from which social consequences flowed — meant that it was difficult to evolve administrative machinery to carry out their aims .
13 The point to note here is that it is the lower-wage countries for which this is the case and the crucial impact of the TNCs has been to create intense pressure to keep down labour costs in order to attract foreign investment .
14 If governments acted to remove some of the existing constraints to economic growth in DRAs it would be reasonable to expect private investors to move in from outside to exploit the opportunities thus created .
15 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
16 The lucky ones had bikes but most had to walk long distances to meet up with their friends .
17 The British Midland ATP aircraft carrying fifty nine passengers iced up and plunged thirty five hundred feet from the sky above Cowley last year.The pilot eventually regained control , but the official report into the incident concludes that the airline 's advice NOT to apply full power to get out of such a dive , was inappropriate .
18 On June 27 the liberal opposition failed to win sufficient support to set up a parliamentary inquiry .
19 As previously discussed in chapter one it is possible to use orthographic information to rule out those candidate strings which are not allowable in English .
20 One aim of the SCRE Practitioner Award is to encourage teachers who start out to do small-scale research to press on and , despite pressures of time and other demands , to analyse the data , evaluate the weight of their conclusions , write up a report and communicate the outcome to others .
21 The purpose of this paper is to use published information to follow up these lines .
22 Managers in Surrey sent letters to all their ambulance workers threatening to use outside contractors to carry out non-emergency work and refused to guarantee that they would be withdrawn once deployed .
23 The independence of the pro-nuclear experts having been challenged , the DUC decided it needed to mobilize outside expertise to back up its position .
24 THE US is sending envoys round the world to persuade developed nations to cough up money to help pay for US weather satellites .
25 Their very presence , however , unsettled the enemy and forced their commanders to detach valuable troops to round up the raiding parties .
26 Since the only link between religion and material objects is through ritual , it is difficult to use archaeological evidence to find out about ancient religions .
27 Hence the scullions having to use small stools to stand on when they wanted to do anything like wash up dishes , stir soups or work controls .
28 ( d ) Unsuccessful attempts to persuade other teachers to give up a reserve lesson in order to supervise the library .
29 Channel 7 , the telephone and Viewdata listing company which angered accountants over a year ago ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November 1990 , p 13 and March 1991 , p 11 ) is still in operation and , according to a recent complaint , is using the names of the Institute and major firms to persuade other accountants to sign up .
30 He found it hard enough to persuade senior officers to go along with the peace settlement .
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