Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Later , after he had been influenced by certain paintings by Cézanne , Picasso began to treat solid forms in a more arbitrary , empirical or experimental fashion and to explore the possibilities of representing them without the aid of traditional perspective .
2 The morning after the general 's briefing , Iraq brought its latent air capability out of hiding , and tried to hit allied warships in the Gulf .
3 And , if you treat this toxin with something like formaldehyde or ethanol , you end up by inactivating it 's toxic properties and you end up with what , what we call a toxoid , something that retains immunological properties , it 's able to stimulate specific immunity to the toxin but it does n't have any of the toxic effects and we end up with this toxoid vaccine against diphtheria .
4 The government remained reluctant to implement political reforms along the lines suggested by Soviet President Gorbachev , however , preferring to maintain its traditional Marxist-Leninist model of development .
5 Furthermore , the shareholders as the principal were entitled to issue specific instructions to the directors which as agents they were obliged to implement .
6 It is possible to climb the circular stairs to enjoy far-reaching views from the towers and battlements .
7 He said that the PLO would call on all Arab states to implement economic sanctions against the USA .
8 Fanning the eggs with her fins helps to circulate aerated water over the eggs and also waft away anything that may have settled on them .
9 It aimed to promote regional co-operation in the areas of tourism , energy , environment , transport , sport and culture ; after a meeting in early July 1991 it also called on national governments to recognize the independence of Croatia and Slovenia .
10 It took eight days to restore normal service in the area .
11 The question is whether competition policy is seeking to raise the welfare of a particular economy , or whether it should be used as an instrument to promote economic efficiency at a supranational ( or even international ) level .
12 The BCS does lots of other good things , like sitting on 31 standards committees , working with 15 European computer societies to harmonise professional qualifications for the single market , accrediting computer science courses to make them less theoretical and more oriented towards projects , maintaining a register of expert witnesses , setting up ad hoc specialist groups very quickly on new areas like expert systems , natural language translation and parallel processing , and helping the disabled .
13 ( Tiger ) to signify complete surprise on the target .
14 He had then spoken frankly of the need to restore European confidence in the United States .
15 There is no reason to treat fictional language in a totally different way .
16 ‘ They want to see economic development in the local area for them ’ .
17 We were anxious to preserve total secrecy on the new product to protect our legal rights .
18 With the right policies they believed it was possible to reduce inflation without incurring excessive levels of unemployment — to keep prices down and to sustain economic growth at the same time .
19 Apollinaire appeared to see complete abstraction as the goal .
20 Very rarely a dead animal or plant fossilizes , and it is then sometimes possible to see progressive stages in an animal arms race a little more directly .
21 In the field of research and development , a new programme has been launched under the LINK initiative to support collaborative research into the biological treatment of soil and water .
22 America has attacked the bit of the Bank expressly designed to promote private enterprise in the developing countries .
23 If there is no preparedness to see extensive nationalization of the worst offending corporations and if there is no political or national will to place public officials on the boards of directors to guarantee that ‘ our ’ interests are given as much consideration as those of the corporation , then clearly the will to control corporations has atrophied in the withering light of pragmatism .
24 Its RTnet-OSI V 3.0 networking software suite has been enhanced to include expanded support for a larger number of X25 wide area and Ethernet local area connections .
25 The conference will be held as part of the European summit in Rome next December and the aim will be to agree far-reaching changes to the Community 's constitution to achieve Economic Monetary Union ( EMU ) as soon as possible after 1992 .
26 The ability of the added stimulus to disrupt normal perception of the excitatory CS should undergo habituation and thus the ‘ inhibitory ’ power of the pre-exposed stimulus might be less than that of a novel one .
27 In July 1842 , the master noted that James Paine , an able-bodied man , ‘ objects and refuses to attend divine worship on the grounds that he is of no persuasion , and that he will not attend in a place like this , where they act contrary to scripture in parting man and wife ’ .
28 She wanted to arrange sole rights for the overland trade in frankincense and other goods between her country and the rich markets to the north .
29 The determination with which , against the odds , British Governments attempted to restore economic liberalism in the 1920s partly reflected the influence wielded by the City of London .
30 If it is difficult to restore economic vitality to the worst-hit redundant areas , it has nonetheless been argued , since the Hunt Report ( Department of Economic Affairs , 1969 ) on ‘ Intermediate Areas ’ , that the growth needs and potential of ‘ grey areas ’ were bypassed by policy .
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