Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
2 As has been firmly documented in much of the British press , Paris was divided into those designers attempting to proceed through the Nineties and more or less disappointing our expectations , and those who have love bombed straight back into the Seventies .
3 They also descend into the deeper caverns to search for the wild and exotic funguses which they use to make powerful magic potions .
4 There was intended to be time to descend , to retire through the covert and to supervise the fast , careful infill of stone that would give them their bridge when the walls fell .
5 Staff have to go through the undignified and anxiety-provoking process of applying for their own jobs .
6 We also thought that on the feast of St Thomas More , June 24th it would be a good idea to celebrate the feast in the evening in the school hall when we can all gather to meet for the first or last time and say ‘ Hello ’ and ‘ Good-bye ’ as appropriate .
7 Indeed the need to know about the earlier and later stages of a child 's education becomes imperative when schools have to plan the next stage of learning on the basis of achievement so far , when teachers have to evaluate and — if appropriate — change their own teaching , when parents have to be told in detail how their children are progressing and when LEAs , parents and governors have to have information which allows the performance of the school as a whole to be evaluated .
8 So , on Silver and Knitmaster machines , set the cam lever on tuck and side levers back ; on Brother machines , put both tuck buttons in and the Change knob on KC , and on the Toyota 901 and 950 , set the selection lever or dial to the central tuck position and card levers on C. The other Toyota machines have two methods of knitting tuck , but as I have only have the 901 and 950 I 'm not qualified to write about the 858 or 787 .
9 For many people there is a temptation to sift through the urgent and important in-trays again looking for the work which they know they can deal with quickly and easily .
10 Should the marked chromosome constitute the inactive X , however , it is reasonably easy to observe as the darkest and longest chromosome in the cell .
11 Illness forced his resignation , but having recovered his health , Cilby resumed work , founding missions in Birmingham , Somerset and Cornwall before going abroad to work for the deaf and dumb in South Africa and in the West Indies .
12 We will continue to work for the profitable and sustainable future of our fishing fleet .
13 Or to worry about the thin but penetrating drizzle that greeted him when he finally emerged from the subway .
14 Divorces rose steadily , though the real acceleration in the divorce rate was to come after the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act of 1 984 which allowed petitioning for divorce after only one year of marriage .
15 I warn the Secretary of State for Scotland that , when it comes to the urgent task of providing resources for the regeneration of the Lanarkshire economy , he will not be able to hide behind the arrogant and imperious people who run British Steel .
16 However , when some of the children start to communicate with the familiar but unknown people , Michael Colpan 's dad on the campus lets out a little of the secret , in order to save these poor children from being used as national weapons , since they had the power to make a harmless teddy bear savagely attack a human and kill it .
17 It also has to struggle with the social and economic consequences of the recession vested on the country by central government and of course it is expected this year to meet the costs of what is an unwanted and will be a costly and unsatisfactory reorganisation of local government .
18 A former sales manager looking back on the time he had to juggle with the moral and immoral balls of corporate demands said that :
19 It takes the form partly of encouraging them to relate to the personal and subjective while boys begin to grapple with the impersonal and objective .
20 At a time when it would have been altogether too easy to disappear into the exacting but ultimately limiting routine of grammar-school teaching , Alfred Cobban enlivened and enlarged my interest in scholarly work .
21 ‘ It seems particularly unfortunate to find within the elegant and modern buildings of Feltham , so carefully landscaped , all the defects of poor regimes ’ ( Home Office 1989 ) .
22 So too with the body clock : it might be that several outputs with different periods are possible and that we tend to concentrate upon the daily or circadian clock because this is the period that is most useful to the organism and which has naturally been accentuated by the environment with its 24-hour period .
23 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
24 But there was to be no repeat performance as the 2-5 favourite failed to sparkle in the two and a quarter mile Haldon Gold Cup .
25 Erm , we do know quite a lot about erm , why it is that when you diet you start to think about food all the time , and why it is that certain things happen , and I think that there 's more and more information and knowledge being gathered and yes , the na , the desire to change has to come from the individual but perhaps , having clinics available where people can go when they 're ready to change or where they can get help .
26 They were most likely to come from the 35–44 or 55–64 age group .
27 You wrote them ; you read them ; you know what you like to find in the written or printed word .
28 To quote Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 165 ) again : ‘ The moves beyond Rayner to the FMI represent attempts to work within the political and organisation system , rather than against it and to couch debate in terms of means rather than ends ’ .
29 Ideally one needs to subdivide the original low-ROI businesses into those at the beginning of their life-cycle and those at the end , because one would expect ROI to increase in the former but to fall in the latter .
30 Often too a local document might be used as a springboard , as starter material allowing the teacher to work from the known and familiar locality to the wider historical context .
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