Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
2 They were repeatedly told he was too busy , and when finally , at the eleventh hour , they were granted a meeting , some sort of communication problem caused Mrs Sue Amphlett and her associate to be sent from one building to another and then to wait for some time in the wrong one , until they had to leave to finish the report in time for the news conference they had called .
3 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
4 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
5 ‘ I really came to search for some things for my collection . ’
6 Now er I 'm thinking in in the case of er perhaps a young accountant advising on financial management who finds something odd and perhaps he reports it direct to the authorities , will he be covered or will he have to go through some procedure in order to bring himself within the protection ?
7 Every day I have to go through some sort of treatment .
8 Er you 're entitled to go through some sort of training programme
9 A lot of ‘ behind the scenes ’ work has meant there has been little news to report for some months on the A1 Locomotive Trust 's plans to build Peppercorn Pacific No 60163 .
10 Both sides appeared keen to work for some kind of reconciliation , although how much of their willingness to co-operate was purely political was never made clear .
11 Conditions of work were not pleasant ; landowners tried to get their estates cultivated by indentured labourers who had come out under a contract to work for some years for the man who paid for the journey or anyone to whom he sold the right to command their services .
12 Also , the fresh tap water should be allowed to stand for some time before being offered to the cat , to allow the chemicals to dissipate .
13 I have also noticed that some makes of PP3s have a tendency to swell after some hours of use .
14 According to a Pakistani commentary , Shahi appeared to be suggesting that once the neutrality of the area was ensured by the regional states pursuing a policy of strict non-alignment , the superpowers could perhaps be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation .
15 Of course , for early EDI users , getting two computers , one 's own and one belonging to a trading partner , to talk to one another , was quite enough of a challenge , without worrying about other people you and your partners might want to communicate with some time in the future .
16 ( Laughing ) I went to see this lot live once and like , it was all really moody and I honestly thought the singer was about to launch into some sort of mime routine , I mean , he 's such a f—ing pansy .
17 I 'd rather work in a place like that , where we can face problems and move them on and develop things carefully , than to work in some places in the country where things are so far off agenda , as it were , as to be impossible .
18 A child who has problems in any area of development may be regarded as being likely to benefit from some form of special educational placement , either full time or part time .
19 This was to compensate in some way for the rather poor salaries .
20 The fact that the taxpayer may be said to benefit in some way from the overseas income — he was able to buy the property because the loan was made to him and he could only keep up , or he kept up , the payments of interest by using that income — is not enough to cause there to be a remittance .
21 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
22 Not because he particularly approves of the exploitation of Henderson Island , but because he hopes that this latest development will force the government to come to some decision about the future of Pitcairn .
23 We have to come to some kind of deal with the trade unions in this complex interim period .
24 ‘ All the same , it makes sense to come to some kind of agreement about this .
25 ‘ The rich have got to come to some accommodation with the poor .
26 They were the North Riding Authority , er the East Riding Authority , the West Riding Authority , all of which converged on the on the city of York , and as you read through the files , er you will see that even then the D O E were trying to get erm those er those predecessor authorities in the late fifties , early sixties er to come to some view about what ought to be better for Greater York , so for many years the idea of Greater York ha has been current er in one guise or another .
27 Young Anna is going to be well heeled but she will have to come to some arrangement with Beryl and Beryl would prefer , much , to deal with the devil himself .
28 There 's a special job Preston 's engaged on and I want to come to some arrangement with him — there should be room for both of us — if you would be good enough to tell me when your husband is likely to be back — "
29 And then if er you want a so solicitor with you on that day we 'll have to come to some arrangement with you privately about the costs .
30 What neuropsychologists are trying to do is to come to some understanding of the way in which damage to the brain impairs abilities such as memory , perception and the use of language .
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