Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] some [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
2 Every day I have to go through some sort of treatment .
3 Er you 're entitled to go through some sort of training programme
4 Both sides appeared keen to work for some kind of reconciliation , although how much of their willingness to co-operate was purely political was never made clear .
5 According to a Pakistani commentary , Shahi appeared to be suggesting that once the neutrality of the area was ensured by the regional states pursuing a policy of strict non-alignment , the superpowers could perhaps be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation .
6 ( Laughing ) I went to see this lot live once and like , it was all really moody and I honestly thought the singer was about to launch into some sort of mime routine , I mean , he 's such a f—ing pansy .
7 A child who has problems in any area of development may be regarded as being likely to benefit from some form of special educational placement , either full time or part time .
8 We have to come to some kind of deal with the trade unions in this complex interim period .
9 ‘ All the same , it makes sense to come to some kind of agreement about this .
10 What neuropsychologists are trying to do is to come to some understanding of the way in which damage to the brain impairs abilities such as memory , perception and the use of language .
11 Locally , people began to talk about some form of recognition for the aircraft and how the town could help its tourist industry into the bargain .
12 Josie tried to reach for some killer of an argument , a real zinger that she could pull out of the air and use to disarm all opposition .
13 For a start you do n't expect me to behave like some sort of stud .
14 Certain games can be used to raise spatial awareness — preferably not as an end in themselves , but to lead into some sort of drama work .
15 I was talking to a civil servant in the Ministry of erm Energy the other day , and he said that he reckoned out of several hundred people working there there were about fifteen people who had a scientific or engineering background , and therefore were able to talk with some degree of expertise perhaps and certainly knowledge about the matters that they were discussing .
16 Bell , on the other hand , might start wanting to pretend to behave in some sort of pseudo British Council evenhanded way over published materials .
17 In other words , farmers must know the results of the negotiations and must not be left to wonder in some kind of vacuum how the negotiations will affect their income .
18 In 303 a Christian named Copres from the Nile valley , engaged in a lawsuit over property , went to Alexandria to present his case and was disconcerted to discover that he would be required to participate in some act of idolatry , such as a sacrifice or an oath by the emperor 's genius , as a condition of litigation .
19 A real desire to participate in some form of practical training was expressed by most of the people spoken to but the problems of fitting in courses with the off-farm employment were considerable .
20 Priority tasks include the development of a comprehensive seminar programme , combined activities with other bodies to offer management development programmes , conferences , etc , and to find ways to generate a desire amongst members to participate in some form of development activity each year , during their careers .
21 However , any diet high in foods that contain few vitamins and minerals is likely to lead to some degree of illness .
22 There ought to be a right to protest in public , it might be argued , and where the bona fide exercise of this right happens to lead to some form of disorder , it is wrong to visit the perpetrators with severe sanctions .
23 Erm did you see that th they 're , they 're going to look for some sort of gene called the Churchill factor ?
24 Sideways moves for ministers such as John MacGregor apart , one of the few appointments not to smack of some form of pay-off is that of John Patten as Secretary of State for Education .
25 This finding makes it possible to identify with some degree of certainty those students who are unlikely to graduate , and thereby allow the necessary resources to be targeted on these potential non-graduates .
26 As late as the 24th , when it was obvious the whole French front was collapsing , the German storm troops still waited for a renewed artillery preparation , and then moved circumspectly , as if half-expecting to walk into some kind of –rap .
27 It has been said that at the court of Poitiers " the gilded youth of Poitou and Aquitaine breathed an air that seemed to belong to some tale of chivalry " .
28 I do n't think we 're gon na solve it today , but what I 'm saying is did we ought to look at some sort of action plan brainstorm , call it what you will for the very near future to look at how we 're gon na tackle this problem .
29 The logical erm conclusion from that was to look at some form of tertiary education and that is what the County Council went out to consultation on .
30 At the moment , you can get adaptors for computers to cope with some form of speech or at least a limited range of verbal instructions erm and in fact Apple computers and others have little packages which allow about thirty well-defined verbal instructions to , to go in .
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