Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] what [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the timber , brick and stone structures themselves and their tiled or slated roofs , there is virtually no direct evidence to confirm the presence of carpenters , masons , bricklayers , slaters , tilers and thatchers , and it is difficult to guess to what degree the local construction industry was a specialist concern .
2 So we need to identify to what extent the o the quotes problem erm is cau is , is skewing the figures primarily to be able to get a forecast view of , okay what 's the overtime likely to do over the year ?
3 We have agreed to examine that with him and to see in what way the United Kingdom and other countries can help Russia and the other republics in the Commonwealth of Independent States to use the talents of their nuclear scientists for peaceful purposes .
4 The same approach was adopted by the Divisional Court in 1891 in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ; 63 L.T. 805 , that is to say the court sought to determine to what extent the law , having regard to the nature of the corporation and of the libel alleged , should allow the corporation to sue for libel .
5 Here too negative arguments can be adduced : it is hard to see on what basis the testator can legitimately attempt to limit his daughter 's right of testation ; it is improper to dictate the terms of the will of another person .
6 Certainly , it is not easy to see on what basis the magistrate could have taken that fact into account when deciding whether or not to commit the applicant ; for the point only arises if there was sufficient evidence to justify the committal , in which event the magistrate was bound under paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 1 to commit the applicant .
7 It is , however , a recognition that employees are entitled to information regarding the financial health of their employers and that the public and the Government should be enabled to judge to what extent the company is recognising social obligations and complying with social legislation .
8 At least two separate industries will be examined , to assess to what extent the results may be generalized .
9 Besides attempting to say what it was about a sensation which served as a sign of the location of whatever had given rise to it , adherents of the local sign theory had also to say in what way the reference to a part of the body was made — whether in the form of visual imagery , or of a judgement , or of something else .
10 It is not , for instance , possible to say to what extent the differences in construction relate to their function .
11 to examine to what extent the generation of such travel and the mode used for it are associated with particular household , personal or locational characteristics , and
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