Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] such [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When a patient is detained under the MHA 1983 , but the physical disorder is not caused by or is not itself the cause of a mental disorder , a restrictive interpretation of this proposal could lead to the ridiculous scenario of doctors having to wait for such a patient to deteriorate or become unconscious before medical treatment could be initiated under the protection of common law duty of care and the doctrine of necessity .
2 Why had she had to wait for such an education ?
3 For a bishop to enthuse about such an initiative is , sadly , rare .
4 In these circumstances it will be important for organizations to plan for such a future , so as to ensure that :
5 This Secretary of State does not feel the need to go through such a consultation process .
6 In other words , the investigating authorities should know everything there is to know about such a family , both from inside that family , and from contacts outside .
7 Advice and assistance in making a will can only be given to a client who is over 70 , or disabled or suffering from a mental disorder ( or a parent or guardian wishing to provide for such a person ) , or a single parent wishing to appoint a testamentary guardian .
8 ‘ Well , I happen to know of such a drug .
9 It is better to train with such a person in a first rate department even if at first sight the research project is not quite what you wish to study .
10 She would not be able to work with such a scene constantly before her eyes .
11 Referring to the English essayists , he says : ‘ A sentence was written to have only one meaning ’ : and the writer 's ‘ task was now to create autonomous text to write in such a manner that the sentence was an adequate , explicit representation of the meaning , relying on no implicit premises or personal interpretations ’ ( 1977 , p. 268 ) .
12 I really would n't know how to work in such a way that you had to consider what other people might or might not want to hear .
13 Unfortunately there is no semantic theory currently available that is able to work in such a way for a broad coverage of English .
14 Finch disapproved of Flynn coming to work in such a state , but when drunken Flynn caused chaos on the set , Finch knew that the fading swashbuckler was incapable of filming for that day , so he would join Flynn for a drink and a sing-song .
15 I wondered what it must be like to work in such an atmosphere .
16 What else should we expect to find from such a source ?
17 Areal data will not suffice by themselves , since it is quite possible for aggregate areal food production to increase in such a way that increasing numbers of people have difficulty feeding themselves .
18 By succumbing to the pressure to appear in such a publication ( why do it at all ? ) her ‘ control ’ goes out the window .
19 Merely to stand in such a position will give you some idea of the strain such a position exerts on the groin and accounts for the number of injuries Wasim has incurred in that region .
20 I , personally , was struck by Basil 's gift , when he taught children and teachers , for helping them to observe in such a way that detail was noticed and imagination was touched .
21 Anglican polemicists had promised that they would allow the Dissenters some degree of toleration , if they helped them protect the Church of England from the Catholic onslaught , whilst the bishops in their petition affirmed that they did not act " from any want of due tenderness to Dissenters , in relation to whom they are willing to come to such a temper as shall be thought fit , when the matter shall be considered and settled in Parliament and Convention " .
22 To proceed towards such a dialogue Chorley ( 1969 ) believed that an integrated body of techniques for physical and human geography and an emphasis upon resources of the physical world such as water could be effected in a volume which ( Chorley and Kates , 1969 , p. 3 ) concentrates :
23 Others though are likely to proceed towards such an arrangement .
24 The best ad vice in order to guard against such a mismatch is to start out by piloting Compact in a small number of schools and to take in more schools only when the Partnership is satisfied that there are sufficient job opportunities available .
25 But a key problem for those wishing to engage in such a defence is history 's poor image .
26 ‘ what a mortgagee is entitled to is that which is covered by the words ‘ costs charges and expenses properly incurred , ’ and it is for the taxing masters to say what these are … if the parties desire to depart from such a rule , they must express themselves in plain and unequivocal language .
27 The two submarines which had lain alongside Omega at the start of her watch now stood off in the loch , still as two sentries , awaiting Taureg 's arrival , and she wondered how any man could volunteer to serve in such a craft ; how he could live in quarters so cramped , with no privacy at all .
28 Organising a public assembly and knowingly failing to comply with a condition imposed , taking part in a public assembly and knowingly failing to observe a condition imposed , or inciting another to participate in such a procession .
29 Until now the Bush administration has refused to participate in such a programme .
30 The experience in housing and nursing home care in Britain suggests that the level of state subsidies required to enable poor individuals to participate in such a market does not lead to a reduction in the total cost to the state .
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