Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] any [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Miss were you able to come to any view as to whether the call was genuine , from what you heard ?
2 First of all , we must delimit the form of a lexical item syntagmatically ; that is to say , we must be able to state in any sentence where the boundaries between lexical items are ( we shall assume that any well-formed sentence consists of a whole number of such units ) .
3 Whites need to recognise that blacks can not hope to prosper in any numbers while they are confined to ghettos of crime , poverty and lousy schools , and that it is society 's duty to do something about it .
4 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
5 It is easier to cope with any difficulty when feeling well and alert , less easy when worried , tired , ‘ out of sorts ’ .
6 A clause achieving this would be as follows : As regards voting in general meetings the holders of the Preference Shares shall be entitled to receive notice of , and to attend at , general meetings of the Company but shall not in respect of their holdings of such shares be entitled to vote upon any resolution unless : ( A ) there shall have been any Arrears on any Preference Shares or Preferred Ordinary Shares for more than two months on the date of the notice convening the meeting ; or ( B ) the Company , on any of the Redemption Dates under sub-paragraph ( d ) ( i ) below of this Article 2.2 , shall have failed or been unable to redeem all or any of the Preference Shares falling to be redeemed on any such Redemption Date ; or ( C ) the resolution is one which directly or indirectly varies , modifies , alters or abrogates any of the rights , privileges , limitations or restrictions attaching to the Preference Shares or " A " Ordinary Shares ; or ( D ) the resolution is for the winding up of the Company , the reduction of share capital , the approval of the giving of financial assistance or the purchase by it of any of its shares .
7 Rildia Bee is easy to spot from any distance because she always wears floor-length dresses of silk brocade and a mink stole — which , air-conditioning or otherwise , is not necessarily the obvious choice of outfit in Fort Worth .
8 As the game ends the police prepare to respond to any clash while supporters make their way home .
9 When you have considered the brief provided can we please discuss the detail and objective to allow me to expand on any points before you make a response .
10 If the housing visit is carried out too early , say six months before the transfer date , landlords are unlikely to be able to say with any certainty whether property is likely to be available for rent .
11 The approach taken in the Act can lead to difficulties because , in many cases of works produced with the aid of a computer , it will not be possible to say with any certainty whether the work has a human author .
12 At present , therefore , it is impossible to say with any confidence whether the influence of Milan was much more than a matter of banal repetition of a few characteristic physiognomic types .
13 To keep aware of both doing and feeling helps to clarify in any situation whether the main burden is physical , financial or psychological .
14 Equally the purchaser may consider that the in-house design team and intellectual property is fundamental to the business and will not be prepared to enter into any transaction unless the key employees are transferred .
15 So , too , where furniture dealers transferred furniture on hire-purchase to X with an express proviso that the hiring was to terminate without any notice if the goods were taken in execution for debt , they could sue the sheriff for conversion when he levied execution on them .
16 However , I found that in many instances this slipping action makes the disc useless , as it is unable to cut to any depth before it stops rotating .
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