Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] in this " in BNC.

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1 He is not afraid to come before us in this book as a full-blown figure , someone who is quite recognizable ( from earliest school letters and the accounts of Kirkpatrick ) as ‘ the real Lewis ’ but who is also , for the first time , ‘ found ’ as an artistic voice .
2 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , something happened recently which has prompted me to write to you in this unsolicited way , though God knows we were once .
3 But what was he going to do with them in this economically bankrupt country ?
4 She took a shaky step back , mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion .
5 I 'm not suggesting that we should n't care about these little games and trifling details of life , for God wants us to practise on them in this world ; but I would like to see us not so strained and frantic in our concern about them .
6 Meditate on the words of Paul in Ephesians 4:17–29 , asking the Holy Spirit to impress upon your mind where he wants you to make changes to co-operate with him in this work of transformation .
7 In the event that the children were to return , the issue before the Family Court in Australia would arise upon the mother 's application for leave to remove them permanently from the State of Victoria to bring them back to live with her in this country .
8 One gentleman I ought to mention to you in this connection — my friend Mr. Michael Barry tells me — is the writer in ‘ Property and Finance ’ , which some of you may have read .
9 Microcomputers are often described as personal computers In fact it can be quite helpful to think of them in this way when considering the differences between them and mainframe or minicomputers Usually microcomputers are used by only one person at a time ; for example , a personnel manager might have one on his desk top which he uses to examine trends in recruitment .
10 In J. Milroy and L. Milroy ( 1977 ) , we justified this method , somewhat retrospectively , in terms of the social network model ( the fieldworker can be described as a second-order network contact ) , and it is useful methodologically to think of it in this way ( indeed , many other investigators have successfully used the idea of social network as an explicit part of their fieldwork strategy ) .
11 I ask you dear friends to pray for me in this area for guidance , finance and I will seek his will in everything . ’
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