Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 In fact , practically all I did was to go for solitary walks or pretend to read Virgil or Sophocles , whose two dead languages were now as meaningless to me as mental arithmetic , and as incapable of claiming my concentration .
2 In 1985 , however , the Government specifically rejected calls for another inquiry like Lord Scarman 's , arguing that since the riots were a ‘ criminal enterprise ’ it was useless to search for social explanations or to have yet another report advising it about what to do .
3 Do they want to plan for organic change or reap the fruit of a retail giant that might , no matter what the quality of the architecture , be redundant in another 25 years ?
4 This is understandable as , given the choice , no one wants to go through great suffering or pain .
5 If their application fails , the player has then to decide whether to try for other posts or apply for reinstatement .
6 Do you want to know about occasional days or you you 're presumably concerned with with full periods .
7 Skin generally starting to age like old handbag or bodywork of car : not bad at distance , but close to , mysteriously patterned , like surface of Mars .
8 A network is likely to include at least one printer and may be able to communicate with other networks or electronic devices located far away .
9 Also , enhanced TCP/IP software improves the ability of OpenVMS systems to communicate with Unix-based systems or any system running TCP/IP .
10 Both during training and after qualifying some people said that they had been encouraged by senior colleagues to work with disabled people or in areas of medicine of low prestige .
11 This means that there is no need for staff to work in city-centre offices or to congest the city with traffic and spend time travelling to and from work . ’
12 These targets were more difficult for some doctors to meet in deprived areas or in practices where the population moved frequently .
13 All horses are likely to suffer from internal parasites or ‘ worms ’ and should be regularly treated for them .
14 Paradise derives from the French parados which is a mound behind a fortified place to secure from reverse attack or fire .
15 She lay stiffly on the bed , unable to make up her mind whether to scream in disappointed rage or to burst into hysterical laughter .
16 To concentrate on new legislation or the statutory repealing of the old is , however , to miss the point .
17 Clearly there is a difference in CA providing me with a sabbatical to study drought in Africa and one to work on Scottish Coins or Candles ( ! )
18 He said voters had to choose between Tory recession or Labour prosperity : ‘ We will bring back hope the hope that comes from restored pride in our town , a cleaned up environment and Darlington running all its own services . ’
19 AFTER a week like the present one , how relevant is it to talk about political talks or solutions ?
20 Do n't have to talk about an just a good chat you know just I do n't want to I do n't want to talk about good people or all about that I do n't want to talk about that I want to talk I want to talk to that person out there who will feel now that it is them that I am I am appealing to I am appealing I now .
21 Their response has been to aim for legislative repeal or reform .
22 If you need to reach into awkward joints or spread glue on a large area , two optional screw-on nozzles are offered .
23 For example , the Act makes it an offence to engage in sexual contact or penetration in circumstances in which the actor causes personal injury to the victim and force or coercion is used to accomplish the contact or penetration .
24 The Japanese takeover of Manchuria caused anxiety among major nations outside Asia , but faced with their own economic and political problems none was prepared to engage in military action or to use economic sanctions to assist China .
25 In the early days , the team would do well to schedule in whole days or weekends to have fun together , to eat together , to get to know one another , to become family .
26 An offer of preference shares , while not conferring an opportunity to participate in future growth or general voting powers , may have certain attractions .
27 He readily accepted invitations to talk at other colleges or to teach at weekend courses for amateur artists .
28 If the inn is later sold to another person who wishes to reopen as licensed premises or the first purchaser wishes to open the inn once more as licensed premises , the Gnat 's Water Brewery will seek to rely upon the covenant to restrain such trading .
29 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
30 It has done nothing to encourage banks to reserve against dodgy loans or write them off , for some banks risk insolvency if they do so .
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