Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] way [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But all of these are rather conspicuous by day and are difficult to hide in the way that spotlights can be masked by plants .
2 Boss Kevin Keegan is not pushing the 30-year-old striker out of the door , but he is unlikely to stand in the way if Quinn decides he wants to leave .
3 ‘ People get hooked , ’ he wrote , ‘ they begin to behave in a way that resembles addiction .
4 Yet , if every state is following its national interest by maximizing power , how can Realists account for situations when states seem to behave in a way that undermines their power ?
5 Well it 's a difficult question to answer in a way because the pattern on grouping differs enormously from school to school .
6 As a consequence , it was not possible to privatise in a way that put customers ' and consumers ' interests first because the overriding interest was the Conservative Government and ensuring maximum take up .
7 No doubt it is because of the vision to train in this way that Ichthus has been able to grow in the way that it has done .
8 Due to the scale of operations in large companies it is often possible for staff to specialise in a way that is impractical in smaller companies .
9 Now in this first session I really want to look at the way that er er financial planning will affect you once you , once you retire , it may be that 's the sort of area you 've not looked at in detail .
10 Which probably had something to do with the way that what we sold would reappear slightly redone in Acme six months later .
11 ‘ It is something to do with the way that people want to chop your head off once you get successful . ’
12 When we look at the mysteries of life we must look also at phenomena that seem , on the face of it , to have little to do with the way that life works .
13 Rosenhan concludes that the diagnosis of mental illness has less to do with the symptoms that are exhibited by patients , and more to do with the way that behaviour is interpreted by doctors who ‘ know ’ that someone is mentally ill .
14 Presumably it was something to do with the way that Jenner approached his work .
15 It 's something to do there 's a clue the clue to Switzerland is something to do with the way that they make their electricity .
16 It is vital that these needs and emotions should be acknowledged and that the solicitor should accept that professional responsibility stretches beyond the immediate legal issues of the claim , and includes a duty to proceed in a way that is comprehensible to the client and consistent with their wider needs .
17 The effect is plain to see in the way that the velocity curves change with time in Fig. 8.7(a) .
18 It was just enough time , however , for Bill to perform in a way that he usually ( being then only a puppy ) performed on the kitchen floor .
19 RMI needs to ensure in the way that it tackles the information aspect that it can incorporate properly the ‘ user-led ’ aspect of information specification .
20 The analyst is able to understand in a way that subjects can not , what is ‘ objectively possible ’ for a class consciousness at a particular point in history .
21 But it 's something that I think someone can only have a go at if they have a great deal of support and a chance to experiment in a way that still gives them the option erm not to change if they feel that they ca n't handle it any other way erm so I think there are a lot of difficulties associated with this kind of problem .
22 A beat that sets out for a destination may have to renavigate on the way or may even have to change destination .
23 So wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit and that particular thing is to er help us to judge in the way that God does .
24 Dire though the attacks on Belfast have been during the past two months , it is a sign of just how successful economic development has been that the IRA should have felt it necessary to retaliate in the way that it has .
25 One of the earliest instances of an artifact concerns the tendency of the subject to respond in a way that the experimenter expects and is pleased by .
26 Another serious defect in the previous law , pinpointed by the Law Commission , was that when the section was read literally , liability was seen to turn on the question whether the victim was likely to respond in a way that constituted a breach of the peace in the face of threats , abuses and insults .
27 They mean that as well as being fed and warm , claimants should be able to buy newspapers , visit relatives , retain membership of trade unions and churches , and be able to live in a way that " ensures , so far as possible , that public officials , doctors , teachers , landlords and others treat them with courtesy due to every other member of the community " .
28 On that view it must be man 's deepest desire — need ? — purpose ? — satisfaction ? — to live in the way that is in this objective sense appropriate to him ( the fact that modern words break up into these alternatives expresses the modern break-up of Aristotle 's view ) .
29 Teachers have been forced to teach in a way that could be useful to those who had no natural bent for literature at all .
30 Again , the answer seems to lie in the way that the reformulation draws the hearer 's attention to the differences between just being gone and having vanished .
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