Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] things as " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of Acts of Parliament which empower a magistrate on sworn information to issue a warrant to search for such things as stolen goods , forged documents , drugs .
2 The code contrast here seems to relate to such things as the distinction between talk about action and talk as action , the degree of speaker involvement in , or distance from , a message , whether a statement reflects personal opinion or knowledge , whether it refers to specific instances or has the authority of a generally known fact .
3 It hardly seems necessary to talk about such things as nuclear winters and being fried by ultra-violet radiation .
4 Erm , I , I think sometimes if he 's prepared to talk about such things as this , he should be prepared to consider the advantages to villages of , of small schools , and not just work on the financial item .
5 A word of caution should be given here : it is all too easy to talk about such things as ‘ Australian English ’ , and ignore the great variety that inevitably exists within such a large community of speakers .
6 The goodwill and excellent relations that Jimmy and Gwenda Cornell have built up with the authorities in Gran Canaria seem to be in the process of being matched in St Lucia : more and better facilities were planned for Rodney Bay Marina , parties were organised and funded , and a special ARC committee to deal with such things as restoring extinguished navigation lights and easing participants through customs formalities was set up and presided over by the Prime Minister of St Lucia .
7 Some are glorified minding places while others attempt to develop social skills , encouraging handicapped people to learn about such things as public transport and the handling of money .
8 I was often unable to think of external things as having external existence , and I communed with all that I saw as something not apart from , but inherent in , my own immaterial nature .
9 The cultivation of love is to think of all things as lovers , and the whole mind should be pervaded with thoughts of love .
10 Sessions begin with the children taking the initiative and deciding what toys or activity they want and parents are invited to join in such things as organising the dolls ' house , making sand pies , playing with trains , building houses , mixing paints and cutting up paper .
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