Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In May 1991 , after 30 years of bitter civil war , Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia , but has to wait for the referendum officially to declare itself an independent state .
2 In May 1991 , after 30 years of bitter civil war , Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia , but has to wait for the referendum officially to declare itself an independent state .
3 If it was n't the Russians , it was the British who wanted to interfere ; so I said , I am going away to wait for the day when once again an Austrian can decide when an Austrian may conduct music in his own country .
4 The concept clearly was meant to establish a College in the broad sense of a learned foundation , whereas what emerged almost inevitably , from the actual circumstances of its establishment and funding , degenerated into what was to remain for a century basically and predominantly a horse infirmary .
5 But I depressed his chest with my palms every three seconds In the old-fashioned way , willing the dog to breathe as the eyes still stared at nothing .
6 I do n't honestly know , he said er , he 's got to go in for his test , he said , and then I 'll have to see about a car so I do n't know whether they 're gon na buy him one or not
7 That 's probably why I want to go for a dump now .
8 ‘ I was about to go for a turn around the village , ’ said Hope , switching the subject , as he thought , adroitly .
9 If you decide to go for a ScreenShow then HGW offers a limited range of transition effects which you apply on a slide by slide basis .
10 Yet that person with AD may be ‘ positioned ’ differently , both by themselves and others , if they avoid the games because they perceive them as a mindless waste of time and prefer to go for a walk instead .
11 I decided to go for a walk westward along the side of the fjord .
12 erm And here , I 'm going to go for an outsider really , erm I 'm going to go for Ashfield Charlie erm in trap two , Tommy Foster from Wimbledon trained runner this is .
13 Still it may be unfashionable to go for the majority anyway .
14 I just did n't quite judge it right , so I decided to go for the hole rather than ipe the team out !
15 Yes , it 's very hard because you get to that stage where you know you can only really push forward for so long , then when it you know , the whistle looms near , you try and you know , you 're just going to go for the result really , and keep it you know , a clean sheet and just get a point out of the game .
16 While she still had light she would continue to search for a way out ; she would —
17 Yet when he set off on 20 September 1519 , with a royal mandate to search for a passage through to the Mar del Sur , and thus to determine for certain that the Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains , he had not the foggiest notion how far he might have to travel .
18 So I think there is a need to plan for a location where this new settlement is going to be successful , recognizing that failure to attract appropriate er private sector interest will mean poor quality design and social provision which will obviously detract from the new settlement as a place to live and also undermine its role in terms of the Greater York area .
19 From the time it is first offered to you , it makes sense to plan for the day when your job may end .
20 Using a sharp knife , shave a little off the sides of the body to round off the edges slightly .
21 Nor will concession be made to a tendency to weep during the days immediately before her period .
22 I should n't think it great easy to fall off a boat actually would you ?
23 He moved up to the counter with the air of a man who does n't like having to go through a routine once again but is prepared to do so , all right then here 's my card if you insist !
24 ‘ Look , Micky , ’ said Peter Hickton , ‘ would it help if we were to go through the lines again this evening , just the two of us ? ’
25 With Tracey apparently intent on limiting his own involvement , she longed to talk things over with someone who might offer more active help ; at the same time , she felt an almost superstitious reluctance to go through the story again in the kind of detail a confidante would need .
26 The choice that is left is to go through the motions either with counterfeit conviction , or with subversion and disdain .
27 It took many visits to reach our self-set target of non-respondents : thirty primary and thirty secondary teachers willing to discuss the Oxfordshire scheme and to go through the questionnaire orally with us .
28 It would not be appropriate to go through the arguments again today , but I suspect that teachers will judge the effectiveness of the pay review body not by our arguments on the Floor of the House or in Committee last year , but merely by the way in which it delivers .
29 No , well I 'm , I need that one , that 's not a white one , you need to go through the wheel there , see
30 You know how it is , Mr Lorton : strings are pulled , and we all have to go through the hoops rather faster than normal . ’
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