Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 MILK producers are well on course to hit quota by the year-end , according to Milk Marketing Board head of quotas Huw Rees .
2 This point ( Wojtas 1982 ) occurs in a description of a new research centre for Police Studies at Strathclyde University , which is ‘ to ask whether anyone is doing research on the police , what degree of co-operation they have met … and to encourage research by the police themselves ’ .
3 The presence of tattoo shops , ‘ topless ’ discothèques which offered dancing and music almost twenty-four hours a day were a reminder that Copenhagen was an active and important port , yet the overall effect was charming and romantic as flowers spilled out of window-boxes and the cafés and restaurants vied with each other to attract custom by the quality of their food and their individual décor .
4 Nevertheless , the occasional problems of delay , inefficiency or incompetence , overcharging , unhelpfulness , inconsiderateness and lack of communication were felt to be of sufficient concern to demand redress by the professions .
5 When the library opens in 1995/6 there will be 100,000 volumes accessible digitally , but there are also plans to provide access by the year 2000 to a wide range of multimedia resources from sound recordings , to moving pictures , to radio programmes , to television programmes , to still images ( Fresko 1993 ) .
6 Other information such as behaviour and home circumstances may be included in the record but , if not entirely factual , it should be sufficiently well founded to bear scrutiny by the parents .
7 If the client is dissatisfied , the right to request certification by the Law Society may be pursued .
8 The order followed reports that Union Carbide was attempting to transfer shares in its subsidiary to a trust for building a hospital for victims of the disaster , in order to forestall seizure by the court .
9 In a recent case , the police posed as ordinary civilians in order to trap a shop owner , licensed to sell liquor by the case only , into selling them a few cans of lager and a bottle of wine .
10 It is in effect impossible to eliminate discretion by the formulation of rules ( Hill 1972 , Ch. 4 ) .
11 One of the hazards of going to games by the bus load is the tendency to drink beer by the gut load beforehand .
12 Controlled by computer and battery-powered hydraulics , they push or pull like pistons to damp movement by the walls .
13 In 1950 the Court had held these ‘ declarations to constitute recognition by the Union of the continuance of the obligations under the Mandate and not a mere indication of future conduct of that government . ’
14 Bell says that a contract of employment is not a contract uberrimae fidei so as to require disclosure by the employee of his own misconduct , either before he is taken into employment or during the course of his employment .
15 All that remained for theory was to explore the details of determination while avoiding the tendency of bourgeois ideology to obscure determination by the material base .
16 The Prophet , having missed his first killing strike , realised he would have to move fast to avoid capture by the trap set for him by his hated enemy .
17 Prejudice against deaf drivers nevertheless persists and continues to require intervention by the BDA on their behalf at regular intervals .
18 He reveals that in fact he is Szendrey , but that he has had to change his name in order to escape persecution by the Communists .
19 Markets fail to allocate or coordinate efficiently when competition is not perfect because there are few enough sellers or buyers , or both , to affect price by the amount they trade .
20 Hoping to pre-empt censure by the League of Nations , Japan formally recognized Manchukuo in September 1932 .
21 It surfaced at the start of the eighteenth century in Paty 's Case ( 1704 ) 2 Ld Raym 1105 , where the fact that the officers of the House failed to make a sufficient particular return to the writ of Habeas Corpus was taken by Holt CJ ( dissenting , but prestigious ) to justify intervention by the courts .
22 Pilots had little faith in the system and kept their heads and height down , preferring to risk prosecution by the CAA for low-flying rather than run the risk of killing themselves and another crew .
23 Compagnie Generale des Eaux SA said on Friday that its wholly-owned General Cable Ltd unit has acquired South Yorkshire Cablevision Ltd from Pacific Telesis Group Inc 's Pactel Cable UK Ltd for an undisclosed sum : South Yorkshire Cablevision holds cable TV franchises in Doncaster and Rotherham , passing 192,000 homes and General Cable already has 100,000 cable TV and telephone subscribers in a number of franchises in Britain ; it is very active in Bradford and plans to start work by the end of the year linking Sheffield subscribers .
24 The chances are that Britain will have to find a new place to dump waste by the end of the decade .
25 the meaningless phrases were all there , trotted out yet again to disguise the lack of real commitment to grab terrorism by the scruff of the neck .
26 They remember that the guardians of the tree run back through time to the one who only sang and never spoke , who used to keep vigil by the tree , where the sorceress Sycorax ( but they have forgotten her name ) lies deep with her grave goods .
27 In these circumstances there was ample justification for the council to take the view that it was expedient in the general interests of the inhabitants to take such steps as were necessary to ensure compliance by the appellants with the laws of Sunday trading .
28 ‘ I also , ’ a voice said , and they looked up , surprised , to see Isay by the door , his beer gripped in one knotted fist .
29 Amendments on points of detail can be made to force reconsideration by the Commons .
30 Since the core Ser-Gln sequence is flanked on both sides by acidic residues it seemed possible that there may be some degeneracy in that one Glu residue may be sufficient to maintain recognition by the DNA-PK .
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