Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he is able to claim privilege for the document , a copy may be admitted instead of the original .
2 Examples of the satisfaction gained ranged from ‘ being able to use condition scoring techniques to monitor feeding of the ewes ’ to ‘ being able to undertake major welding repairs and construct an ‘ A-frame ’ structure for a roof'' .
3 Today 's meeting of the TUC-unions — NUPE , Cohse , TGWU , GMB , and Nalgo — is likely to concentrate on efforts to sustain support for the action through the Christmas period .
4 The ironic thing is that the flight is to publicize damage to the ozone layer and it 's gas from fridges that causes most of that damage .
5 This Report has already pointed out that something more than singing and playing may lie needed if boys and girls are to remain part of a choir or music group .
6 The Protestant majority in Ulster wished to remain part of the United Kingdom , and the province of Northern Ireland has so remained .
7 For the loyalists the purpose is to remain part of the U K and those two are so far apart , those two positions , that it 's impossible to see a bridge between them and that 's the difficulty .
8 Outlook , page 21 Bond remains with BSB : Alan Bond , the troubled Australian entrepreneur , is to pay the £27.5m required to remain part of the consortium behind British Satellite Broadcasting , the UK rival to Rupert Murdoch 's Sky Television .
9 ALAN BOND , the troubled Australian entrepreneur , will pay the £27.5m he must find to remain part of the consortium behind British Satellite Broadcasting , the UK rival to Rupert Murdoch 's Sky Television .
10 Doubt and ambivalence are transmuted into clarity and certainty , and any attempt to reintroduce complexity into the debate is rejected as ‘ mere nitpicking ’ or ‘ a deliberate attempt to muddy the issue ’ .
11 This kind of accountability goes beyond the narrowly defined stewardship of assets to include responsibility for the performance of those assets .
12 Gandhi 's implicit suggestion here is that it had yet to support non-violence for , as he says , bishops still felt able to support slaughter in the name of Christianity .
13 After MPs sat all night to defeat a private members ' bill to enable building of the Cardiff Barrage , the government announced that it would introduce its own bill to ensure that the measure passed into law .
14 During this time , one senior auction house official noted that ‘ Each house has promised the heirs so much : advances , separate hard-bound catalogue , etc , that no matter which auction house gets it , it is bound to lose money on the sale ’ .
15 Unless we want to wake up on April 10 to Neil Kinnock 's punitive Britain , every vote on April 9 should go to the candidates supporting John Major to uphold freedom of the individual ( embracing rights with responsibilities ) and importantly , the British character abroad .
16 He wanted to hit driver off the tee , but I said , ‘ No , no , no .
17 Dundee had received a commission from the deposed James II as his Commander-in-Chief in Scotland , and fled into the Highlands to gather support among the clans .
18 Section 743(5) states that in any case where an individual has for the purposes of s739 power to enjoy income of a person abroad by reason of his receiving a benefit from the trust ( hence giving rise to a tax charge under TA 1988 , s742(2) ( c ) ) , the individual shall be chargeable to income tax under s739 for the year of assessment in which the benefit is received .
19 It would not be too extreme to ascribe insanity to a headmaster with no pupils ringing a long-silent bell in an empty school .
20 It is expected that traffic travelling southbound on the A5 and M1 , and intending to go west along the North Circular , will be diverted via Brent Cross roundabout .
21 To treat racism as a matter of irrational prejudice is really a micro-reductive variant on this theme .
22 We therefore wish to see removal of the advice that planning authorities should consider ‘ the likely effect on the operation of the business ’ when considering justifiable enforcement action .
23 The object was to monitor change in the services provided in Nottinghamshire and to evaluate the work of the CMHTs .
24 The first is to allow individuals to act alone in planning their own lives ; people should be allowed to capitalize part of the value of their national insurance benefits .
25 The rules governing national insurance premiums and child benefit should be changed so that people in clearly defined circumstances have the right to capitalize part of the value of these two state benefits .
26 As we have noted , Circular 11/77 asked Regional Advisory Councils to draw up plans for the training of full-time further education teachers and to report progress to the DES by September 1978 .
27 For those who have never been involved in the arts the exchange offers a wide range of opportunities to invest money with the aim of obtaining hard currency under a transfer deal system .
28 In that case , the plaintiff had invested money in a company after relying on accounts that had been prepared negligently by the defendant accountants who had known that the accounts were wanted for the purpose of inducing the plaintiff to invest money in the company .
29 On Monday I received a circular from a building society urging me , a valued customer , to borrow money for the purpose of investing in the development of a feature film called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle The Lambada Pantie Karaoke Tricksters .
30 Powers were given to the directors to borrow money on the security of the rates levied on the five parishes and on the property itself .
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