Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
2 The " Hallelujah lasses " had been used to raising their own voices in protest and employing some fairly dramatic methods to attract attention from the time Catherine Booth took up the cudgels on behalf of women in the early days of the movement .
3 Availability is the percentage of time for which the plant is mechanically capable of producing full rated output of electricity , whether or not such output was called for to meet demand at the time .
4 Brick-making was expanded in country market towns to provide employment at a time of decline in the need for farm labourers .
5 Chemical treatment with nitrogen , potassium and phosphate was introduced just before the war to increase production in a time when manpower was low .
6 He went to Gouesnou during a recent visit to meet friends who helped him to evade capture for a time .
7 Berwick was well placed to withstand siege for a time ; but two score thousand people take a deal of feeding , and provisions began to grow short despite severe rationing .
8 He would start the evening in his quiet , sometimes moody , Kansas drawl and would end up in ranting fashion , telling them all that things would be different when he and the rest of ‘ new ’ Hollywood were running things , and they would all be clapped in irons , which was hardly the brightest way to inspire confidence at a time when you were seeking film money .
9 Museums also helped to focus attention on the time dimension in natural history by displaying spectacular collections of fossils .
10 Although just over half of a sample of teenage mothers in 1979 — 80 had had some kind of family planning lesson at school , only a quarter had attempted to use contraception around the time they conceived .
11 Father Anstruther , the former vicar who lived rather too near , was to do duty for the time of Mark 's absence — not an entirely satisfactory arrangement but the best that could be made .
12 The time for repairs , it would seem , was about to give way to the time for offence , if not injury .
13 The leave-taking this time was formal , bearing none of the displays of emotion that had marked Prince Richard 's departure — the queen-dowager was but bidding farewell , it was thought , to her son 's bride , a young lady who was going to the royal palace within the Tower to keep company for a time with her husband .
14 Local authorities are struggling to maintain provision at a time when they should be expanding efforts to meet the needs of this sector of the population .
15 The reassertion and manipulation of ‘ traditional ’ values to maintain continuity in a time of rapid change and to preserve national identity and order have frequently been undertaken by countries facing an external ( or internal ) threat .
16 ‘ He sent a message to the governor explaining that the thefts continued to take place at a time when the firm had transferred me to England for a period of six months .
17 Press criticism inspired by certain currents within the FLN meanwhile accused the government of having played " Russian roulette " with the country 's future by allowing the elections to take place at a time when an Islamist win likely .
18 Instead he was back in Sheffield Shield ranks looking to recover form by the time the fifth Test had begun .
19 Despite the opposition of his father he took up the study of medicine , first at Leipzig University and then in Vienna , where his funds ran out , forcing him to take employment for a time with the Governor of Transylvania until he had accumulated sufficient money to continue his studies .
20 On Feb. 20 , 1990 , the MRG and the Association of Democrats ( Association des démocrates — a heterogeneous grouping of leading centrist personalities from which the left sought to gain support at the time of the 1988 presidential elections ) announced the conclusion of an agreement aiming to develop " the second force within the presidential majority " .
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