Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 These issues were due to be investigated at a second trial , to start on Jan. 14 , 1991 , when the senior financiers Roger Seeling , David Mayhew and Lord Spens were to stand trial for accepting the money .
2 Eventually he is sent to a liberal English school where his emergence into adulthood converges with an increasing political awareness and realization that it is up to the individual to rake responsibility for altering the world around him .
3 Stating the RIBA housing policy for 1992 , it called on the Government to accept responsibility for setting the national housing policy based on need , ability to pay and choice of tenure , drawing on the combined resources of the public and private sectors .
4 My contact with the family had lapsed for a while when the head asked to see me to request help in explaining the Statementing procedures to Mrs Singh .
5 To allege incompetence at playing the tuba would not lower most people in the eyes of their fellow citizens — unless they happened to be professional tubists .
6 Unable to find work after leaving the army , which he joined at 16 , he has travelled as far as Holland in search of a job — but to no avail .
7 Arthur Andersen was requested by Benzina management to provide assistance in determining the value of the petrol filling stations .
8 The essence of a ‘ contrat de programme ’ or ‘ contrat d'entreprise ’ is that a state enterprise agrees to achieve targets for economic performance , physical output , productivity , quality of service , and so on in return for a commitment from the government to provide necessary finance , and to provide compensation for obliging the enterprise to undertake non-commercial activities in the public interest ( Durupty 1986b : 357–96 ) .
9 2.4 It is Department of Education and Science ( DES ) policy , and is enshrined in National Curriculum documents on modern foreign languages , ‘ to encourage diversification by widening the choice of first foreign languages available ’ in schools .
10 Yet they also said that they had managed to increase output without increasing the workforce and had been able to grow more effectively .
11 The magistrates had purported to grant bail without imposing the condition required by section 3(6A) .
12 Training help : Durham City Council has linked up with Durham TEC , and the Chesterle-Street & City of Durham Enterprise Agency to provide training in gaining the popular quality accreditation BS5750 and proficiency in a foreign language .
13 The Centre 's activities in this area will concentrate on providing the appropriate user interface for already available software for econometric analysis , and establishing required links with Package X. In addition , in co-operation with the ESRC Data Archive , the Centre is particularly anxious to provide software for accessing the publicly available data bases such as the General Household Survey and the Family Expenditure Survey for use with Package X and the Centre 's software .
14 Nice echo too of medieval stained glass , while helping to establish principle of making the utterly new out of the old , the ordinary , the commonplace — what could be more ordinary than fuse-wire ?
15 New agroforestry techniques have also been developed to increase productivity without disrupting the basic symbiosis which exists between tree crop and annual crop .
16 The rods are able to increase sensitivity by pooling the signals from several rods before passing the information to the brain .
17 ‘ Socrates , yeh know , was forced to drink hemlock for corrupting the youth of Athens ! ’
18 Insider dealing threatens to destroy confidence by undermining the general public 's belief that they have an equal chance of profiting from securities trades .
19 Rather , it is that the active exploitation by trade unions of their monopoly requires a higher rate of unemployment than any acceptable notion of full employment will admit ; and hence , that attempts by the Government to create employment by stimulating the economy will not only be inflationary but will fail .
20 Leave yourself time to regain energy before starting the second part of the exercise .
21 The talks , held in Beijing , again failed to reach agreement on financing the project .
22 The adviser can help to promote confidence in meeting the needs of these pupils by emphasising the aspects of learning which they share with their fully sighted classmates and suggesting practical measures that can help to minimise difficulties and increase curriculum access .
23 It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time ; it is quite another to expect admiration for slaying the same dragon twice .
24 He waited as , unusually , Connors seemed to experience difficulty in putting the words he wanted together .
25 Yes , in a way it is , it helps to clear the mind of all sorts of rubbish and to focus attention on improving the family member 's own life .
26 Place a few pebbles in the bottom of the tube to aid drainage before inserting the clothes pole , umbrella etc .
27 ‘ Do n't think rubbish , ’ she muttered to herself , and made a mental note to castigate Ace for bringing the anachronistic device along .
28 Vessey was in Vietnam to discuss co-operation in determining the whereabouts of the 1,500 US servicemen missing in action ( MIA ) after the Vietnam war [ see p. 38532 ] .
29 ( ii ) They should be shown how to locate material from a range of sources , eg subject-specific reference books , adult encyclopaedias and databases , how to select material by deploying the appropriate reading strategy , how to evaluate it and how to draw it together into a coherent package .
30 Health Service Managers have been invited to express interest in joining the third wave of NHS Trusts , scheduled to come into operation on 1 April 1993 .
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