Example sentences of "[to-vb] [to-vb] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 We need to continue to promote the health and well-being of our community but the introduction of a millionaire 's card scheme will not work .
2 From his point of view he had asked to go to see the gorillas and he had been told ‘ Yes ’ .
3 The experiments of Dr O'Shaughnessy and others during the cholera of 1831–2 show that the amount of water in the blood was very much diminished in proportion to the solid constituents , as also were the salts Well , the basis of my treatment of cholera is quite simply to try to restore the fluid and salts which have been lost from the blood , by injecting solutions of carbonate of soda or phosphate of soda into the blood vessels .
4 I chose to try to see the system and situation in a more rural area of Mexico .
5 B has to try to find the keys and get them out of the circle before being hit by A. If the Keeper hits B s/he wins .
6 ‘ I am practising hard to try to find the answer and I am playing in several events in the next few weeks and hope it comes right . ’
7 There are , basically , two philosophies about competitors ' media selection : to compete in the same media , because ‘ we must be seen to compete ’ or because it is the only really possible medium or ( even ) because ‘ they must know something ’ ; or to try to avoid the competition and to ‘ dominate ’ a reasonable alternative medium .
8 It was a generous gesture to try to ease the tension and relax a fellow professional .
9 Erm this can only exasasberate er an already difficult situation chairman , I do wonder whether the , the people that British Rail are trying to attract to use the service and , and do bear in mind that this County Council recently voted ten thousand pounds in subsidies er to er towards British Rail to enable people to travel on a Sunday .
10 Police and motoring organisations issued urgent appeals to try to stem the flow and one city even urged : ‘ Stay away — we 're full . ’
11 Since there are four main types of housing tenure — renting from a local authority , owner-occupation , renting from a private landlord and renting from a housing association — and the government intervenes , or has intervened , to try to influence the quality and cost of each type , policy implementation is often a very complex matter .
12 The wives are having to go back to work to maintain the mortgage and they are prepared to take their part of it .
13 I mean I think that 's extremely important to allow children to erm you know play things out in the best way that they which is in a sense their way of coming to terms with things erm and to answer their questions as honestly as I can and to admit it when I do n't know the answers erm and also , I mean in our family we 've taken various actions to try to stop the war and we 've , you know , taken part in demonstrations and written letters and erm
14 Yes , I think that as David said one of the things that we 've been working at very hard in recent years in teacher training is to try to improve the quality and the content of reading courses generally , and then I think it is also necessary to draw attention to teachers of this problem of dyslexia .
15 Here again the technique is to try to ignore the microphone and talk directly to the interviewer .
16 Even so , tough or not , fungus attack is persistent , and the principle of prevention being better than cure means that we have to try to prevent the development and growth of spores into our roses by spreading a film of fungus-toxic material on leaf , shoot and other vulnerable parts — a contact killer — or , as we are now able to do for insects , we can render the sap stream and internal tissue poisonous to invading fungus by introducing a systemic fungicide .
17 Indeed , Anglicans were forced to engage in a propaganda campaign to try to prevent the Whigs and Nonconformists from falling too much in line with government policy .
18 There is no significant change in Government expenditure which we really need to try to boost the economy and move out of the recession .
19 Many people had called offering to help to search the area and some suggested that their sons could be used in a reconstruction of James 's disappearance from the Strand .
20 Organisations are being asked to help to sponsor the bill and Berwickshire District Council is to contribute £1,000 .
21 to help to unblock the circulation and to kill the pain .
22 Plants in Taiwan , Ireland and Australia are likely to be hit , with the boom falling in the summer ; Wang promises to continue to service the software and hardware it has already sold .
23 That was when I decided to go to do the City and Guilds course .
24 This splendid succession of tableaux of life-size figures , enhanced by patriotic music and natural sounds of the period , is further complemented by a panoramic exhibition of highlights of the Queen 's sixty glorious years , a remarkable example of modern technology being put to use to re-create the sights and sounds of the past .
25 Only I know which carved wooden panel to press to release the catch and allow me into the sanctuary of my past .
26 Thus , the partners should decide what each needs to do to improve the relationship and then attempt to make these changes , without the behaviour of one being entirely contingent on whether or not the other partner does what was agreed .
27 There was also much other work to do to improve the efficiency and modernise the methods of the Branch , including the introduction of a flight recorder specialist on to the staff .
28 By early June the failure of an inquiry by Sir Edward Clark and of a group of ministers headed by Lloyd George to persuade the employers to agree to recognise the Federation and to negotiate with it on a joint board , began to bring nearer the prospect that the Transport Workers ' Federation National Executive would implement a recommendation by its Annual Conference that unless the joint board proposal was accepted a national strike would be declared .
29 We will endeavour to continue to represent the members and to project their needs and desires towards the company .
30 Darlington Building Society NYSD League CLAYTON Lambert struck an astonishing century to enable to beat the fog and Darlington and record their sixth win of the season .
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