Example sentences of "[to-vb] [to-vb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly there is a need to continue to emphasise the importance of change in an area where exhaustion of general practitioners is clear .
2 It is quite common in an import or export sale for the seller to agree to arrange the carriage of the goods by ship to the buyer and also to arrange for their insurance en route .
3 Many grown-up people feel obliged by such considerations to continue to acknowledge the authority of their parents over them .
4 And it 's rather a good thing this one did look like a tramp , ’ she added , ‘ because you might not have talked to him if you had n't mistaken him for a poor old man , and he would n't have learned anything about Brownies , and we should n't be going to continue to enjoy the use of his lovely Park .
5 She has to look for new friends amongst the ranks of the unattached like herself ; and until she has recovered sufficiently to become interested in organising her social life to the best advantage , her opportunities to continue to enjoy the pleasures of mixed company may be very limited .
6 More commonly , he will have been given power to make laws , subject only to the controlling authority of one or both Houses of Parliament to unmake them , or to withhold the endorsement necessary for them to continue to enjoy the force of law .
7 It is true that we have had to continue to increase the amount of money that is paid by the Government — by the taxpayer — for restructuring the industry , but we will not reach the ceiling either this year or next year .
8 The project team 's stated role is to ensure the effective delivery of the TPS within each region and to continue to increase the volume of high quality teacher placements in business and , simultaneously , encourage greater involvement of business people in schools .
9 Thus , providers will not have any responsibility to plan to meet the needs of a particular population , but will , of course , require business planning to secure and fulfil contracts and to attract and treat extra-contract referrals .
10 There was no question of allowing Denmark to continue to accept the terms of EEC membership under pre-Maastricht arrangements but to decline to participate in the new extensions of Community authority spelt out in the Treaty on European Union .
11 Finding himself in some difficulties , with his ship seized by order of the customs commissioners in Edinburgh , Bailie Hooks offered to try to carry the burgh of Wigtown for the candidate favoured by the Duke of Argyll in return for some ready cash and the expectation of assistance with the Court of Exchequer .
12 Health authorities and local authorities must be encouraged to come to see the necessity of providing local umbrella groups such as Councils for Voluntary Service , with grant aid to develop industrial relations expertise , er , marketing help , P R help , and so on .
13 The benefits for you in unit linking is actually it 's going to relate to like the cost of inflation ,
14 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
15 In order to observe this and to try to understand something of what life in the movement was like at first hand — and , of course , to try to observe the operation of sociological variables such as social control — I lived for several periods of a week or so , over a span of six years , in Unification centres and participated in various of their functions .
16 The designer was Margaret Kaye , who had just had an exhibition of collages made with fabric , and she used a similar technique to try to provide the mixture of fantasy and realism needed to match the ballet .
17 We have to have recourse to what Stenning calls ‘ abnormal ’ contexts , where the analyst reads the text and then has to try to provide the characteristics of the context in which the text might have occurred .
18 Secondly , to try to increase the validity of inter-racial comparison we decided to compare arrest rates of Black , Asian and White males who lived in the same small areas .
19 A campaign 's been launched to try to increase the number of Barn Owls in the region .
20 The development strategy adopted in the Greater York study never envisaged that the settlement , or the district that got the new settlement would therefore get a corresponding reduction in the amount of land it had to provide to meet the needs of the Greater York area , the strategy we use to identify sites within the Greater York area that could be developed without compromising greenbelt objectives , and that the new settlement would be added on outside that area without a reduction in that that figure .
21 It is obviously much harder to establish an indication of the eventual size and temperament of a cross-bred ( mongrel ) dog , compared with a pedigree ( pure-bred ) animal , and so you will need to try to discover the parentage of a puppy of this type .
22 Mr Rosie , who has since resigned from the council , had contacted Orkney and Shetland MP Jim Wallace and the Scottish Office to try to discover the cause of the delay in settling the matter .
23 Inspector Nigel Rock of Walsall police said a reconstruction of the accident would be staged to try to discover the cause of the ‘ absolute tragedy ’ .
24 These were intended to be interim arrangements only , and further negotiations took place to try to establish the bases of a more lasting political union .
25 Again , however , it is important to try to establish the cause of the condition , which is most common in the case of dogs which have not been properly socialized early in life .
26 As Acheson had remarked in 1952 , the world had moved on too far for Churchill and Eden to try to revive the sort of personal ties which had existed with President Roosevelt during the Second World War — this would be " a classical example of the wrong way to do things " .
27 Please remember that the programme has to try to meet the expectations of eight different Regions/Nations , the Overseas Groups , Sector interests eg. Fund-Raising , Communications , not to mention the visitors themselves .
28 The second is to be prepared to try to meet the objections of those affected by alternative arrangements .
29 It is a sincere and honest endeavour to try to inform the Government of exactly what is happening to the industry and what folly it would be if they allowed privatisation .
30 If a method can be devised of enabling employees to acquire and sell shares in an unquoted company , and benefit from the increase in value of those shares over the employee 's period of ownership , then it is perceived that employees will wish to participate in the share capital and growth of their employing company and will be motivated to work to increase the value of the business .
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