Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun pl] during the " in BNC.

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1 Supporters , incensed by Flashman 's comments on BBC Radio 5 earlier this month , when he alleged ‘ fans do n't matter — they just pay their entrance fee ’ , are bound to vent their feelings during the Bournemouth Cup tie .
2 One study of Scottish babies showed that 90 per cent of mothers started to train their babies during the first year with half of the middle class and a quarter of the working class starting before 6 months of age ( Drillien 1964 ) .
3 As it was , some 50,000 soldiers were to lose their lives during the next few months in fruitless attacks on Chunuk Bair .
4 A Buckingham Palace spokesman said there was ‘ no access ’ for Di or other parents to visit their boys during the week .
5 This contract enables international market participants to hedge their positions during the European trading day .
6 According to the Middle East International of Sept 27 , his dismissal came after he chose publicly to express his views during the Ba'ath Party 's 10th regional congress held on Sept. 12-13 .
7 Somehow it does n't seem right to count your calories during the week and then suddenly explode into an orgy of indiscriminate gorging when guests come and you are supposed to be the one in control .
8 The pursuit of good living is not the innocent thing you would like it to be , my dear ; you were n't born in time to watch my compatriots during the war , the energies they put into it , the boys dying Pour La Patrie while the family at home fought about L'Héritage and assured the survival of La Bonne Cuisine .
9 ‘ You 'd be amazed how many workers are prepared to offload their problems during the witching hour , ’ he said when he was told of the project .
10 To observe the parental handling of the situation it must be made clear that the parents are expected to control their children during the session and do what they would do at home .
11 Were the people of Hong Kong ever consulted on who is to represent their interests during the difficult years to 1997 ?
12 A ready-made ladder for an intruder who wanted to search his possessions during the night .
13 It was going to be important not to arouse her suspicions during the planning stages .
14 True , the older children found it necessary to close their eyes during the ‘ soppy bits ’ — to blot out the vision of Peter Pan ( Robin Williams ) and Tinkerbell ( Julia Roberts ) kissing , for instance — but that was a small price to pay , they thought , for a decent story of revenge , piracy and adult idiocy .
15 As they are nocturnal fish , if you wish to see your eels during the day , provide plenty of hiding places ; caves , flower pots , bogwood , or dense plants .
16 You can use a Revitaliser to refresh your curls during the day or as a curl activator on those days that you do n't shampoo .
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