Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At the same time , ’ he said , ‘ I must also get to know my colleagues on the Board as fast as possible .
2 As a result , the majority of farmers continued to concentrate their efforts on the production of food for their own families , rather than for the market .
3 The development tools allow programmers to concentrate their efforts on the finer points of the program without having to worry about compatibility problems .
4 Although it was not easy in the beginning attracting regular work , the players all had sufficient confidence in the quality of the product , that they decided to concentrate their energies on the ensemble , rather than seek the immediate security of orchestral contracts .
5 To make them pure for drinking purposes is , perhaps , impossible ; but it may reasonably be hoped that they may become sufficiently so to delight the eye and to repress the pestiferous and sickening exhalations which at present affect the multitudes of our population compelled to pass their lives on the bank of such rivers .
6 And that is excellent news for Reds manager Frankie Parks who is increasingly worried he wo n't have men fit enough to write their names on the team sheet .
7 Yeah you only need to write their details on the first page in which they appear .
8 This should allow ample time to enable each branch to finalise its comments on the plan .
9 It aims to keep things that way by launching a High Court copyright action against British software designer Codemasters which is about to launch its games on the market .
10 Drawing on an analysis of American inter-organizational relations Lindblom argues that it is simply not possible for the central state to impose its wishes on the local state .
11 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
12 Denis returned to his seat , but before he could frame a new approach Josh Cohen started to drum his fingers on the tea-chest , looking about him and nodding his head in a calculating manner .
13 As Cliff Bastin later recalled : ‘ Relations between these two had gradually been becoming more and more strained , until it ultimately came to a point at which the question was which of them would be the first to vent his feelings on the other .
14 It would be far more sensible to concentrate his thoughts on the lovely girl at his side .
15 It is only by being so that he is able to concentrate his efforts on the detailed articulation of the paradigm and to perform the esoteric work necessary to probe nature in depth .
16 There was a growing feeling that the second minister on the Circuit should be free to concentrate his energies on the Edenderry district and that in fact the No 2 Manse should be at should be at this end of the town .
17 At least for the moment , Scapula was able to concentrate his forces on the western frontier , which now extended to the Wye and the Severn .
18 On 16 December we and our Community partners set out guidelines to inform our decisions on the recognition of new states in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union .
19 Remembering this principle will help you to concentrate your energies on the right 20 per cent of tasks , making these the ‘ A ’ priorities .
20 ‘ Smart pratt , ’ snorted Billy ‘ you are going to catch your balls on the handlebars doing that one day . ’
21 The council 's chief executive , Alan White , warned that without the catalyst of Safer City funding it was unlikely that organisations involved in the partnership would be willing to continue their efforts on the crime fighting front .
22 Two men so different in appearance and manner , yet both prepared to sacrifice her feelings on the altar of their ambition .
23 It 's now occupied by Montupet who are allowing the legion of De Lorean fans to drive their cars on the old test track once again .
24 If total patient care is practised , the learner is able to report her observations on the progress of the patient and learn first-hand about future care .
25 The difficulties arise in attempting to devise a formula that will distribute the grant so as to equalise its effects on the needs and resources of all local authorities .
26 ‘ Through these portals passed such illustrious men as Pitt , Walpole , Disraeli and Gladstone , to carve their names on the glorious history of England , ’ he had said to his young and captive audience .
27 As early as February 1920 Trotsky had put before the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party a plan to end grain requisitioning and replace it with a fixed tax in kind ; also to allow the peasants to sell their surpluses on the ( to be revived ) market .
28 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
29 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
30 ( On Feb. 4 the permanent representative of Zimbabwe , the holder of the Security Council presidency for February , had held talks with the 14 other members to explore their views on the Gulf war . )
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